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    8 Posts

    Sure you can but that is a separate install. Microsoft does not allow third party installation.

    As for the deployment, windeployqt is the cousin of macdeployqt. Using it will simplify the deployment process.

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    3 Posts

    Well, I discovered that the "executable file" in Info.plist was something different than MyApp. So the error was due to my false assumption that macdeployqt would look for an executable with the same name as the app bundle itself.

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    3 Posts

    It does look like a similar issue. I was able to find a workaround thanks to this bug report. Setting the target OSX version to 10.12 in CMake did the trick.

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    2 Posts

    Hi everyone! I've solved this problem. In my case the problem was in asynchronous load images into another thread. When I changed asynchronous method to the synchronous all work fine.

  • Compiling Qt5.7 on OS X 10.9

    Solved General and Desktop
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    After doing the exact same thing on a Windows machine I was able to compare all Makefiles. I noticed that the main Makefile on OSX was lacking all Qt' modules (SUBTARGETS was empty). So I started to find out why this happend. After a while I noticed that the .gitmodules file was in a different location comparing to the Windows setup. After moving it into the src/ dir the make command finally started to work.

    I'm not sure why it moved but maybe it is a bug in Keka so it doesn't handle dot prefixed files correctly.

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    7 Posts

    I'm pretty sure that macdeployqt isn't working correctly for code that's protected. It appears that the @rpath items in the executable are not being allowed for this code. You can use @loader_path instead. But fixing that would require not only fixing the paths in the executable itself, but also in the Framework libraries.
    I'll file a bug report for this, though I'm really not familiar with OSX it appears this is the way things are supposed to work.
    BTW I'm STILL seeing the crash in the plugin--unfortunately I'm not getting any useful crash report. It looks like what happened earlier; the code is failing in createPlatformIntegration. I see these messages in the Console log:

    8/18/16 3:14:17.054 PM[1]: ([2660]) Service exited due to signal: Abort trap: 6 8/18/16 3:14:18.154 PM[2661]: Failed to connect (colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable 8/18/16 3:14:18.154 PM[2661]: Failed to connect (view) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable 8/18/16 3:14:18.000 PM kernel[0]: Process[2661] crashed: Too many corpses being created.
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    I'm not sure what happened with the code, but now it's finally giving me an error signal. The error and error string are QMediaPlayer::FormatError "Failed to load media"

    The media I'm attempting to load uses the file ending ".mp4". I finally thought of opening the media in Quicktime and, lo and behold, it won't open the file. It appears I'm dealing with a "Not a real operating system" error.

    EDIT: It appears that what happened was that I was trying to open a 0 byte file. Opening an .mp4 file with actual content still causes the MediaPlayer to get stuck in the LoadingMedia status.

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    12 Posts

    Thanks !

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    4 Posts

    It's not just "yet another app" to learn. It's the current defacto version control system used by Qt, KDE, the linux kernel and many more projects.

    Even if you're the only developer, that's something you really want to learn to use.

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    10 Posts

    @SGaist said:


    Hmmmm! Interesting!

    I'll have to give this some thought.

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Hi @maximo, did you have success with the MacNativeWidget and didi it reach your requirements.

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    2 Posts

    Dear @peniwize, I am not aware of direct entry of special symbols in QLineEdit in MAC but in WINDOWS OS we can do with the help of ALT key and the symbol code. Basically go to Character Map and select the special symbol then you will be able to see the corresponding Key code to that special character. Just hold ALT symbol and enter the code from num pad by enabling NUM LOCK. Then release the ALT key. That special symbol will automatically appear in the QLineEdit in Windows. May be something similar you can try in MAC OS too.
    Good luck!!

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Yes, Qt is kind of braindead :-) before QApplication a(argc, argv); not many things work; it tries to load the libqcocoa.dylib when you specify that Fusion setting line, and because you did it before the QApplication constructor, Qt hasn't found and read in qt.conf file (written by macdeployqt, it tells Qt where to find libqcocoa.dylib). That's why moving the Fusion setting after makes Qt much happier.

    P.S. Actually you can get around this error in another way than by moving the Fusion setting line: by copying the PlugIns folder (created by macdeployqt in and place it together with the .exe/ELF file (MacOs/example). Because then Qt can load the Cocoa plugin without having read any qt.conf file.

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    5 Posts

    Some added notes from the trenches:

    Above, I describe a small stub setup that downloads a larger payload. However, if your payload is large from the server, you're going to be looking at the screen stuck at the "Running package scripts..." notice and a jammed progress bar while it continues to download over Curl your larger payload. One solution to that in your preinstall Bash script is to do this:

    osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to set visible of process "Installer" to false'

    That super neat trick hides the installer so that you can show something else. That way, the customer doesn't think your installer just jammed.

    Then, build yourself a simplistic ObjectiveC application that looks just like that Installer but shows a more active progress bar (use a timer) and then displays a few messages like "Downloading..." and "Finishing download..." and stuff like that. Of course, you can do it in Qt, but even the most minimum Mac-based Qt widget app (not statically compiled) is 8.9MB zipped, whereas in ObjectiveC you can make an app that does the same thing in a mere 32K (unzipped). (Oh, and for you QML die-hards out there, a widget-based app has you topped on file size. I was seeing 12.1MB zipped for something comparable in QML.)

    Once that Curl has finished, it can then kill the ObjectiveC process and reverse the osascript to get the installer to show you the Finish page.

    If deploying a large commercial application, and especially if you need to hook up special high-permission items and require script control, then you may not want to use either the .pkg or .dmg formats at all. This is because, psychologically, customers are not likely to want to download a huge honking 200MB+ DMG or PKG file. Instead, they would be more likely to download a smaller file, run it, and then when it says Installing, it does the rest of the download steps. (I know it's the same wait time, but psychology is important in product marketing.) Take a look at Norton's Antivirus for the Mac. (There's a free trial on their website.) They basically made an ObjectiveC / Cocoa application and then zipped it. However, it's a stub setup that's very small. When you run it, it then shows the typical EULA and then starts downloading components from the web, and putting things into the appropriate places.
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    4 Posts

    No, that's the native OS X menu so you can't modify it. Again: use the Info.plist file, it's also explained in QMenuBar's documentation

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    Hi and welcome to devnet,

    Do you mean that if you use the qt_fr.qm file everything is going well but if you add your own translation it starts acting up ?ä

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