From OSX to Windows10
I work on OSX (Mojave) and use Qt version 5.12.9, (Clang 10.0 (Apple), 64 bit), with XCode version 11.3.1. in C++. I don't use QML, only Qt Creator, qmake etc.
Now I want to port my application to Windows10, installed VisulStudio2022 and Qt VS tools. Next I should install a Qt version for Windows.
Can anyone advise me what (free?) version to install? (I work non-commercial by the way..)
Thanks in advance. -
The latest 5.15 if you want to stay with Qt 5. Otherwise Qt 6.
Thanks, but I found (as sources to be build by me I suppose...) or loads of submodules.
I found also qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.12.12.exe as offline installer.
Is this a free version and is this 3.7G installer complete with Qt Creator etc.? -
The Qt online installer is the way to go to have recent versions of Qt.
The offline installers shall be full featured but you will have an outdated version of Qt Creator.
No you're not !
Since you want to use VS2022, I would recommend a recent build of Qt as well.
Well I tried qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.12.11.exe and installed Qt5.12.11.
To get it running you cannot use the MSVC2017-64bit compilers but use MinGW 64bit. It took me several installs and deinstalls for Qt to get this right.
Further for a simple QWidget app to have to copy several .dll's from the mingw73_64/bin directory in the same directory as the .exe.
A bit more work than in OSX... but this is Windows. -
Sure you can but that is a separate install. Microsoft does not allow third party installation.
As for the deployment, windeployqt is the cousin of macdeployqt. Using it will simplify the deployment process.