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    7 Posts

    @daljit97 said in LGPL distribution in the Microsoft Store:

    @sierdzio I suppose that could be an option I could consider, although I worry about piracy concerns.

    Well, either worry about that or about Qt license costs. If you break the LGPL then you become the pirate ;-)

    In this setup, if somebody gets the exe from you, they have already paid you. It does not solve the piracy problem, but does limit it somewhat.

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    7 Posts

    You can use this app template:
    Offers you a relink mechanism, also for embedded devices:
    you can release a redistributable project (your application inside a compiled static library, in a qt .pro project)
    and you must release your SDK (sysroot and compiler).
    If you use Static Qt, user can build his own Qt and rebuild your closed source application.

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    3 Posts

    @SGaist Hi, Thank you for your reply. I understand your point, so I set this topic solved.

    I just realized that C:\Qt\Licenses\LISENSE do not include the GPL v3 exception stated above. Hence, the argument above does not hold.

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    3 Posts

    You can use this app template:
    The user can download the redistributable project, rebuild it and upload it to their own device (using the Android SDK)

    You just need:
    -a web server to store redistributable project and Qt sources
    -an about dialog with all licenses

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    4 Posts

    Some time ago Qt published webinar concerning the topic, which helped me a lot.

    I am adding a link for future readers:

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    12 Posts

    @Eeli-K That would mean you can't use github at all then since it isn't under your control. If github is considered "under your control" you can just fork Qt to your github account though.

    I mean along these lines though no web server you don't actually own is truly under your control. And even then you are at the mercy of your internet provider even if it is physically your system. My company has quite a few web servers, but since things like AWS came around I don't buy actual hardware any more. AWS is not technically under my control even though I have root access to all the systems that are "mine".

    You're right though. I don't think it would really be an issue, but people have sued over smaller things. The safe way is definitely throw up a copy on your own web server. Knowing it will never be downloaded by anyone just seems to make it such a waste of resources though.

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    5 Posts

    @tekojo I knew something wasn't right :D

  • Licenças Qt Mobile

    Unsolved Portuguese
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    9 Posts

    @Exotic_Devel, acredito que não seja culpa do open source, por que:

    Qt usa duas licenças, a Comercial e a LGPL. A licença LGPL diz que:

    o. Em caso de ligação dinâmica, então o teu desenvolvimento (o código que você desenvolver) é "trabalho que usa a biblioteca". Sendo assim, o código que você desenvolver apenas usa as bibliotecas Qt, então seu código pode ser proprietário.

    o. Em caso de vinculação estática da biblioteca, o próprio aplicativo é "trabalho que faz parte da biblioteca". Qualquer ligação estática com uma biblioteca LGPL, obriga a fornecer o código-fonte do aplicativo para o usuário sob a LGPL.

    Então do meu ponto de vista, se existe um culpado, é a Apple! por não permitir vinculação dinâmica! Hora, bastava permitir que resolveria a questão: Quem estivesse sobre licença comercial, faria o vinculo estático; Quem estivesse utilizando alguma biblioteca open, então faria o vinculo dinâmico.

    Não é novidade, isso só reafirma que a Apple não é muito edepta do opensource. :-)

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    3 Posts

    @SGaist said:

    Where did you got these informations ?

    Nowhere. I just wanted to make certain that this was not true. Your extra information about the Apple Store is very useful -- thanks.

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    9 Posts

    Hi @mrjj & @JulienMaille,

    Thanks to both of you for your comments. I was clear on publishing my changes done in Qt sources if working with LGPL license.

    What I misunderstood was the licensing for applications developed using Qt. I was under the impression that an application used for proprietary usage (irrespective of linkage - dynamic or static) requires purchase of license.

    The truth is that if an application is developed using dynamic linkage with Qt libraries, then purchasing of license is not required. Please correct me if I still got it wrong.

    Anant Agrawal

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    7 Posts

    There's an interesting post on the Qt Blog which makes a case for how some things about licensed Qt make reverse engineering and hacking more difficult: Some of the arguments are more convincing than others.

    I'd be curious to know of any evidence - even anecdotal - of this stuff actually going on. Security and hacking and infosec is a serious business for sure, as is crackability of $100s-$1000s/seat licenses, but for most of us the idea that some team somewhere is waiting to pounce on my FooBar App, rip it's QML and plugins off and put out their own SuperFuBahPlus App is fairly incredible... isn't it????

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    2 Posts

    @scrolling said:

    But, what does "dynamic linking" means?

    It applies only to Qt linking. This means that you can use LGPL version for closed source software only if you link dynamically QT libraries