Yesterday I have tried the following and failed:
I have changed the Part from Line 1 in File '..\qtwebengine\tools\qmake\mkspecs\features\functions.prf'
!win32-msvc2013: !contains(QT_CONFIG, c++11) {
!win32-msvc2015: !contains(QT_CONFIG, c++11) {
And in Line 17 from:
linux-g++*|win32-msvc2013|macx-clang: return(true)
linux-g++*|win32-msvc2013|win32-msvc2015|macx-clang: return(true)
As I am absolutely new to QtWebEngine, I am not sure If this is enough. But after I found an Entry at code.qt.io from Michael BrĂ¼ning called "Print a more descriptive warning when a build is skipped.", I thought I would give it a try.
The Result is the following Error:
Using extra options found in c:\qt5src\qtwebengine\src\core\qtwebengine_extras.gypi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/qt5src/qtwebengine/tools/buildscripts/gyp_qtwebengine", line 147, in <module> args.extend(['-Goutput_dir='+ os.path.relpath(output_dir, qtwebengine_root)])
File "C:\Python32\lib\ntpath.py", line 528, in relpath % (path_prefix, start_prefix))
ValueError: path is on drive D:, start on drive c:
Project ERROR: -- running gyp_qtwebengine failed --
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '(' : return code '0x3'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2'
['Python32' is Python 32-bit but it contains the latest Python 2.7 Package. Bad old naming leftover.]
I dont know enough about QtWebEngine and nearly nothing about Python. I have to wait for a fix from someone who knows what (s)he's doing. My Bug Report has set to P2 - so with any luck, this will be fixed in 5.5.1
Until then I have to work with a pre-built MSVC 2013 Package. My Tool is far from ready to be released. So I still have time to wait for a fix for WebEngine and and a fix for ICU as well.
Have a sunny weekend everyone :)