just build a cross compile for Raspi.
I ran into the same problem with 5.11.3 what is old, but comes with Raspi 4.
Your receipe solved this, but no root has been required.
I ran:
cd ./qtlocation/src/3rdparty/clip2tri; make ; cd $WORK
cd ./qtlocation/src/3rdparty/clipper; make ; cd $WORK
cd ./qtlocation/src/3rdparty/poly2tri; make ; cd $WORK
Beside that. There are other compile issues related to incompatiblty.
I skipped them by skipping the problem modules by adding this to confguire:
-skip qtwayland -skip qtlocation -skip qtscript
(thanks to: https://mechatronicsblog.com/cross-compile-and-deploy-qt-5-12-for-raspberry-pi/)