Problem inserting record into QSqlTableModel of Postgresql
I modify my source code to accomodate different scenarios: using postgres or sqlite, and what editstrategy we want to use.
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QSqlDatabase> #include <QSqlTableModel> #include <QSqlQuery> #include <QSqlError> #include <QSqlTableModel> #include <QSqlRecord> #include <QModelIndexList> #include <QSqlIndex> #include <QSqlField> #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum DB_DRIVER{ USE_POSTGRE, USE_SQLITE}; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // change the parameter here DB_DRIVER DRIVER = USE_POSTGRE; QSqlTableModel::EditStrategy EDIT_STRATEGY = QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit; QString dbDriver; switch (DRIVER) { case USE_POSTGRE: dbDriver = "QPSQL"; break; case USE_SQLITE: dbDriver = "QSQLITE"; break; default: cout << "What database do you want to use?" << endl ; return 0; break; } // DB Connection QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(dbDriver); switch (DRIVER) { case USE_POSTGRE: db.setHostName(""); db.setDatabaseName("your_database_name"); db.setUserName("your_user_name"); db.setPassword("your_pasword"); break; case USE_SQLITE: db.setDatabaseName(":memory:"); break; } if ( ! { cout << "Cannot open database" << endl; } // drop table cout << "drop table datatest..." << endl; QSqlQuery q = QSqlQuery(db); QString sql; sql = "drop table datatest;"; q.exec(sql); // Create table cout << "create table datatest..." << endl; cout << db.driverName().toStdString() << endl; sql= "CREATE TABLE datatest" "(" " id serial" " ,kode character(1)" " ,nama character(10)" " ,CONSTRAINT datatest_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)" ")" /*" WITH ( OIDS = TRUE);"*/; if ( ! q.exec( sql )) { cout << "error create table" << endl; cout << q.lastError().databaseText().toStdString() << endl; return 0; }; // Populate 2 records cout << "Populate table..." << endl; sql = "insert into datatest (kode,nama) values (:kode,:nama)"; q.prepare(sql); //for (int i = 0 ; i < 4999 ; i++) { q.bindValue(":kode","A");q.bindValue(":nama","ALBERT"); q.exec(); q.bindValue(":kode","Z");q.bindValue(":nama","ZORRO"); q.exec(); } // Create model cout << "Create QSqlTableModel..." << endl; QSqlTableModel model; model.setEditStrategy(EDIT_STRATEGY); model.setTable("datatest"); cout << "Primary key : " << model.primaryKey().name().toStdString() << endl; //model.sort(1,Qt::AscendingOrder);; // insert record QSqlRecord record = model.record(); QSqlField fieldID = record.field("id"); cout << "Field "<< << " isAutoValue = " << fieldID.isAutoValue() << endl; cout << "Inserting a record to the model..."; record.setGenerated("id",false); record.setValue("kode","P"); record.setValue("nama","PATRICK"); if ( ! model.insertRecord(-1,record)) { cout << "Error inserting record to the model" << endl; cout << model.lastError().databaseText().toStdString() <<endl; return 0; }; if ( model.editStrategy() == QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit) { if ( ! model.submitAll()) { cout << "Error submit after insert" << endl; return 0; } } // get the new record id int newRecId = model.query().lastInsertId().toInt(); cout << ", field ID of the new record is " << newRecId << endl; // find the new inserted record QModelIndexList listNewRec = model.match(model.index(0,0),Qt::DisplayRole,newRecId); if ( listNewRec.size() == 1 ) { cout << "Found the new record..." << endl; } else { cout << "Can not locate the new inserted record" << endl; } // reselect the model cout << "doing" << endl;; // find the new inserted record listNewRec = model.match(model.index(0,0),Qt::DisplayRole,newRecId); if ( listNewRec.size() == 1 ) { cout << "Found the new record after reselect the model..." << endl; } else { cout << "Can not locate the new inserted record" << endl; } return 0; }
Ok, from my understanding of the code, it will not work when isAutoValue() is not set correctly:
qsqltablemodel.cpp:773ff if (success) { if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit && mrow.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert) { int c = mrow.rec().indexOf(d->autoColumn); if (c != -1 && !mrow.rec().isGenerated(c)) mrow.setValue(c, d->editQuery.lastInsertId()); }
d->autoColumn is set to true only when isAutoValue() returns true.
Therefore I don't see a chance to make it work with postgres without deriving from QSqlTableModel. Overwriting virtual bool select(); to return the pk with isAutoVal set to true should work.
Thank you Christian,
The documentation says that QSqlField has a public value setAutoValue.
However, this code:
model.record().field("id").setAutoValue(true); cout << "Field "<< << " isAutoValue = " << model.record().field("id").isAutoValue() << endl;
fails to set the AutoValue flag, I suspect because
only a copy of the field, not the real field of the model. How can we access the real fields of the mode? -
Your code can't work, correct. Therefore I said: Derive from QSqlTableModel and overwrite select() to adjust the mentioned value.
If I call the defaultValue() on the record which obtains from the QSqlDatabase it returns correct value:
QSqlRecord r = db.record("datatest"); cout << r.field("id").defaultValue().toString().toStdString() << endl;
However, isAutoValue still 0
Tracing to postgresql driver source, it seems postgre driver never sets the autovalue. Here is code snippet from qsql_psql.cpp:
QSqlRecord QPSQLDriver::record(const QString& tablename) const {...... int len = query.value(3).toInt(); int precision = query.value(4).toInt(); // swap length and precision if length == -1 if (len == -1 && precision > -1) { len = precision - 4; precision = -1; } QString defVal = query.value(5).toString(); if (!defVal.isEmpty() && == QLatin1Char('\'')) defVal = defVal.mid(1, defVal.length() - 2); QSqlField f(query.value(0).toString(), qDecodePSQLType(query.value(1).toInt()), tablename); f.setRequired(query.value(2).toBool()); f.setLength(len); f.setPrecision(precision); f.setDefaultValue(defVal); f.setSqlType(query.value(1).toInt()); info.append(f);
There is no
call at all, may be there should be an additional line :f.setAutoValue( defVal.contains( "(") && defVal.contains( ")");
May be the better approach would be querying first the next id and set it on the insert statement.
sql = "select nextval(\'datatest_id_seq\')"; q.exec(sql); q.first(); int newId = q.value(0).toInt();
and then
// record.setGenerated("id",false); record.setValue("id" , newId); record.setValue("kode","P"); record.setValue("nama","PATRICK"); if ( ! model.insertRecord(-1,record)) { ....
Why don't you just try out my suggestion?
I am still studying QSqlTableModel source code and still don't have idea which part should be overrided...
@Bambang_P said in Problem inserting record into QSqlTableModel of Postgresql:
still don't have idea which part should be overrided...
I'm giving up...
Derive from QSqlTableModel and overwrite select() to adjust the mentioned value.
the solution is rather simple. You just have to remove all auto-generated columns from the record:
QSqlRecord record = model.record(); // record contains the first column with auto-generated values // remove first field with auto-generated values record.remove(0); // set values as usual record.setValue("kode","P"); record.setValue("nama","PATRICK"); // finally insert the record model.insertRecord(-1,record);
To use it as a model for QTableView with PostgreSQL 9.1 on PySide2, I subclass QSqlTableModel and rewrite the function insertRowIntoTable (assuming the primary key of serial type is the first field of the record) :
def insertRowIntoTable(self, values): if QSqlTableModel.insertRowIntoTable(self, values): # returns the value of the primary key "autovalue" (serial) only when the record is added in database rs = QSqlQuery() rs.exec_("SELECT CURRVAL (pg_get_serial_sequence('public." + self.tableName() + "','"+ self.primaryKey().field(0).name() +"'))") if ID = rs.value(0) # without this line the row displayed in the QTableView immediately after insertion cannot be updated self.setData (self.index(self.rowCount()-1,0), ID) # without this line the created row appears blank in the QTableView values.remove(0) return True return False