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    To use it as a model for QTableView with PostgreSQL 9.1 on PySide2, I subclass QSqlTableModel and rewrite the function insertRowIntoTable (assuming the primary key of serial type is the first field of the record) :

    def insertRowIntoTable(self, values): if QSqlTableModel.insertRowIntoTable(self, values): # returns the value of the primary key "autovalue" (serial) only when the record is added in database rs = QSqlQuery() rs.exec_("SELECT CURRVAL (pg_get_serial_sequence('public." + self.tableName() + "','"+ self.primaryKey().field(0).name() +"'))") if ID = rs.value(0) # without this line the row displayed in the QTableView immediately after insertion cannot be updated self.setData (self.index(self.rowCount()-1,0), ID) # without this line the created row appears blank in the QTableView values.remove(0) return True return False