Can't use WebEngineView.
I'm trying to incorporate QWebEngine in an existing Qt/Qml application. However when using WebEngineView, it results in an exception with the following message :
[23100:22744:0808/] Check failed: false. CoCreateInstance calls in Chromium require explicit COM initialization via base::CreateCOMSTATaskRunnerWithTraits() or ScopedCOMInitializer. See the comment in DCheckedCoCreateInstance for more details.
My engine is initialized like in the documentation :
QApplication qapp( argc, argv ); QtWebEngine::initialize();
I can't find any source used to solve this issue.
Qt version is 5.10.1 using VS 2015 (32bits) in windows 10
I can't go with 5.11 because I need 32 bits (WebEngine is not available for 32 bits target with 5.11)
any suggestion ?