QtRO exposing QList<CustomType> as a property.
General and Desktop
Hello guys,
I am new to the QtRO Module, I created a simple host node which expose a QList of custom types (POD (QString name, QUrl endpoint)), in the client side I am getting a replica in the default state. the QList data are not transferred to the replica from the source.
#include <QtCore> POD Service(QString name, QUrl endpoint) class Services { PROP(QList<Service> services) }
Server side:
#include <QObject> #include "rep_ro_source.h" class RemoteListServer: public ServicesSimpleSource { public: RemoteListServer(QObject* parent = nullptr): ServicesSimpleSource(parent) { Service* s1 = new Service("service 1", QUrl("local:s")); Service* s2 = new Service("service 2", QUrl("local:s")); QList<Service>* l = new QList<Service>(); l->push_back(*s1); l->push_back(*s2); this->setServices(*l); } };
Server main.cpp:
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QRemoteObjectHost> #include "remotelistserver.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); RemoteListServer server; QRemoteObjectHost host(QUrl("local:s")); host.enableRemoting(&server); qDebug() << "Services exposed : " << server.services().count(); return a.exec(); }
Client side main.cpp:
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QRemoteObjectNode> #include "rep_ro_replica.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QRemoteObjectNode node; if(node.connectToNode(QUrl("local:s"))) { qDebug() << "Connnected"; } else { qDebug() << "Not connected : " << node.lastError(); } QScopedPointer<ServicesReplica> ptr; ptr.reset(node.acquire<ServicesReplica>()); if(ptr.data()->isReplicaValid()) { qDebug() << "Services found : " << ptr.data()->services().count(); } else { qDebug() << "Replica is not valid : " << ptr.data()->state(); } return a.exec(); }
I am new to this framework so maybe I am doing something stupid, Thank you for your valuable help.
OK, I finally figure it out, It was dumb, I had to wait till the replica get sync with the source, and this by handling the QRemoteObjectReplica stateChanged event. and it's all OK now.