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    4 Posts

    Basically you missed to add addHostSideConnection on server side. Here is below code snippet.

    // server side
    void onNewServerConnection()
    qDebug() << "onNewServerConnection";
    bool newConn = false;
    if(auto tcpServer = qobject_cast<QTcpServer*>(sender()))
    newConn = true;
    // Use standard tcp url for the registry
    const QUrl registryUrl = QUrl(QStringLiteral("tcp://"));
    // Use "exttcp" for the "external" interface
    const QUrl extUrl = QUrl(QStringLiteral("exttcp://"));

    // Create the server and listen outside of QtRO // QTcpServer tcpServer; auto tcpServer = new QTcpServer(this); auto host =; // We only know how to handle tcp:// and local: bool res = false; res = tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress(, extUrl.port()); if(res) { // m_servers.insert(url, server); connect(tcpServer, &QTcpServer::newConnection, this, &YourClass::onNewServerConnection); } else { qWarning().nospace() << "server could not listen on URL: " << extUrl.toString() << ". Error type: " << tcpServer->serverError() << ", message: " << tcpServer->errorString(); delete tcpServer; } // We need a registry for everyone to connect to QRemoteObjectRegistryHost registry(registryUrl); // Finally, we create our host node and register "exttcp" as our schema. // We need the AllowExternalRegistration parameter to prevent the node from // setting a hostUrlInvalid error. m_pHost = new QRemoteObjectHost(extUrl, registryUrl, QRemoteObjectHost::AllowExternalRegistration); // From now on, when we call enableRemoting() from this node, the registry // will be updated to show the Source object at extUrl.

    OnClient side
    // Use standard tcp url for the registry
    const QUrl registryUrl = QUrl(QStringLiteral("tcp://"));

    // This time create the node connected to the registry QRemoteObjectNode repNode(registryUrl); // Create the RemoteObjectSchemaHandler callback QRemoteObjectNode::RemoteObjectSchemaHandler setupTcp = [&repNode](QUrl url) -> void { QTcpSocket *socket = new QTcpSocket(&repNode); connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::connected, [socket, &repNode]() { qDebug() << "Added client side connection"; repNode.addClientSideConnection(socket); }); connect(socket, &QSslSocket::errorOccurred, [socket](QAbstractSocket::SocketError error) { qDebug() << "Deleted socket"; delete socket; }); qDebug() << "Connected to host with URL: " << <<":" << url.port(); socket->connectToHost(, url.port()); }; // Once we call registerExternalSchema, the above method will be called // whenever the registry sees an object we are interested in on "exttcp" repNode.registerExternalSchema(QStringLiteral("exttcp"), setupTcp); // local replica // QRemoteObjectNode repNode; // create remote object node // m_pHost = new QRemoteObjectHost(QUrl(ss.str().c_str())); // repNode.connectToNode(QUrl(ss.str().c_str())); //QUrl(QStringLiteral("local:replica"))); auto ptr = repNode.acquireDynamic("something");
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    3 Posts

    Just had the same problem, here are my findings:

    QRemoteObjectPendingReply inherits from QRemoteObjectPendingCall.

    Therefore it inherits the bool waitForFinished(int timeout = 30000) method.


    // DeviceManagerReplica* m_deviceManager // class DeviceManagerReplica created via rep-compiler QRemoteObjectPendingReply<QStringList> result = m_deviceManager->availableDevices(); result.waitForFinished(); qCDebug(lc) << result.returnValue();

    waitForFinished() seems to be a sync call, thus the m_deviceManager instance should not live in the main GUI-thread.

    Hope this helps.

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    2 Posts

    OK, I finally figure it out, It was dumb, I had to wait till the replica get sync with the source, and this by handling the QRemoteObjectReplica stateChanged event. and it's all OK now.

  • QtRemoteObject

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