QTJambi: QAbstractItemModel.SetData is not called
I'm developing a very simple table view on QtJambi using a model/view implementation. My QTableView is configured as follows:
partTabView = new QTableView(gridLayoutWidget); partTabView.setObjectName("partTabView"); partTabView.setSortingEnabled(true); partTabView.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior.SelectRows); partTabView.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode.SingleSelection); partTabView.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarPolicy.ScrollBarAlwaysOff); partTabView.setEditTriggers(EditTrigger.AllEditTriggers); partdata = new ParticipantModel(gd); partTabView.setModel(partdata); partTabView.itemDelegate().commitData.connect(this, "on_action_Edit_Part(QWidget)"); partdata.dataChanged.connect(this, "on_data_changed(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)");
And on the model size I have the following flags and setData definitions in my model:
public final Qt.ItemFlags flags(QModelIndex index) { Qt.ItemFlags flags = new Qt.ItemFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled); if (!isIndexValid(index)) { return flags; } flags = super.flags(index); flags.set(Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsSelectable); flags.set(Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEditable); return flags; } public final boolean setData(QModelIndex index, QObject value, int role) { if (!isIndexValid(index)) return false; // Check Role if (role == Qt.ItemDataRole.EditRole) { List<String> l = m_gridData.get(index.row()); l.set(index.column(), value.toString()); m_gridData.set(index.row(), l); dataChanged.emit(index, index); } return true; }
I have neither any custom delegate nor editor, I'm using the default ones from QTableView. I manage to insert/remove and edit the cells but I cannot update their contents. The initial set values are always replacing the ones I type. Actually, the setData function is never called. As far as I understand, the default itemdelegate implements a "setModelData" function which automatically calls the setData function on the model so I don't need to call it myself. Am I missing something?
Finally, upon edition of the cells (Return key pressed) my slot "on_action_Edit_Part(QWidget)" is properly called. I could call partdata.setData from there but I don't know how to retrieve the index and the typed data from the Editor.