Signal emit Issue - Listview is not showing full list
I am binding an ListView with values passing from the cpp, Pls refer the code.
Issue: Listview displays only one row, mean first value, The rest of the rows are not appeared.
I created an ListModel/ListElement in main.qml as test and bind with ListView, Now the Listview just working fine, display all valuesI suspect after the signal emit, the error occurs.
Code snippet:
ListView { id: idListView anchors { left: parent.left leftMargin: 10 * scaleFactor right: parent.right rightMargin: 10 * scaleFactor top: rectangleToolBar.bottom topMargin: 10 * scaleFactor bottom: bottomMargin: 10 * scaleFactor } // model: objHomeController.detailsModel // Display only one row //model: idListmodel //Working fine delegate: comsearchDelegate spacing: 10 * scaleFactor clip: true highlight: Rectangle { color: 'grey' Text { anchors.centerIn: parent color: 'white' } } focus: true } Component { id: comsearchDelegate Row { spacing: 10 * scaleFactor Column { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Text { text: title; font { pixelSize: 14 * scaleFactor; bold: true } } Text { text: description; font { pixelSize: 14 * scaleFactor; bold: true } } } } } ListModel { id: idListModel ListElement{ title : "sdfsdf"; description:"sdfsdfs"; } ListElement{ title : "sdfsdf"; description:"sdfsdfs"; } ListElement{ title : "sdfsdf"; description:"sdfsdfs"; } ListElement{ title : "sdfsdf"; description:"sdfsdfs"; } }
Q_PROPERTY(Model* detailsModel READ get_detailsModel WRITE set_detailsModel NOTIFY detailsModelChanged )
void HomeController::set_detailsModel(Model* value) { m_detailsModel = value; //value has correct values - checked. emit detailsModelChanged(value); }
Thanks in advacne
when it only displays 1 row the model is correctly applied to the view right?
So the model implementation is the interesting part then. -
I understood there might be a problem in applying the model.
Do we have any link/tutorials to follow or how to bind the value from CPP to qml.
as i said when it displays a row, the model is correctly applied, so there must be something wrong with your model implementation.@Mathan-M said in Signal emit Issue - Listview is not showing full list:
Do we have any link/tutorials to follow or how to bind the value from CPP to qml.
Here you go.