QProcess event queue
Hello ! I am trying to parse the output of traceroute and display it on a QTableWidget.
I am doing this by using QProcess ,but I found out that while processing the stdout of traceroute some content is missing . I guess this is because while parsing, QProcess emits signals (readyReadStandardOutput) that are getting missed by my main application.
As an example part of a normal output of traceroute would be this:
https://paste.pound-python.org/show/q8F1sgny2thXCanE1rd1/ and this is what I am getting: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/Slcu3EmcaTpTNJJkFcCJ/
and my code breaks.
Is there a way I can assure that all signals get processed from my main thread ? Also do signals of QProcess stack in some kind of event queue ? I am using python with pyqt4.
Any help would be much appreciated . Thank you in advance ! -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
How are you doing the parsing of the data you received ?
I am using a modified version of this https://pypi.python.org/pypi/trparse . I have modified the lib cause it was not capable of parsing real time data (one line at a time) .
Appreciate your feedback . -
And this is the code I am using :
def init_process(self): self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.parse_n_populate) def parse_n_populate(self): trace_output = str(self.process.readAllStandardOutput()) hop = tr.get_hop(trace_output) print trace_output if hop: print hop cursor = self.tbl.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.End) cursor.insertText(str(hop)) self.tbl.ensureCursorVisible()
print trace_output works as intended , i.e. this prints the output of traceroute correctly. print hop though misses allot of the output!
@borisruna said in QProcess event queue:
I guess this is because while parsing, QProcess emits signals (readyReadStandardOutput) that are getting missed by my main application.
parses nothing. That's your job, its is to provide you access to the stdout of the child process. I don't see how signals will get missed.Is there a way I can assure that all signals get processed from my main thread?
Why do you have more than one thread to begin with? But to answer your question, yes, if the receiver is in the main thread, then the slots will be invoked in the main thread.
Also do signals of QProcess stack in some kind of event queue?
The slots those signals are connected to (if across threads) are put in an event queue. If you're not sending things across different threads signal-slot calls are immediate.
If you will, show the implementation of get_hop too. My guess is it's not parsing things properly, thus you get holes.
Only the trparse module parses of course , not the QProcess. However I tested the get_hop method without qt and it is working as intended . The modified trparse module is this :
import re RE_HEADER = re.compile(r'traceroute\sto\s(\S+)\s+\((?:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)|([0-9a-fA-F:]+))\)') RE_HOP = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d+)\s+(?:\[AS(\d+)\]\s+)?([\s\S]+?)$', re.M) RE_PROBE_NAME = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-z0-9.-]+)$|^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$|^([0-9a-fA-F:]+)$') RE_PROBE_IP = re.compile(r'\((?:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})|([0-9a-fA-F:]+))\)+') RE_PROBE_RTT = re.compile(r'^(\d+(?:\.?\d+)?)$') RE_PROBE_ANNOTATION = re.compile(r'^(!\w*)$') RE_PROBE_TIMEOUT = re.compile(r'(\*)') tr_data = """ traceroute to edgecastcdn.net (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets 1 * * 2 * * 3 * * 4 ( 3574.616 ms 0.153 ms 5 ( 465.821 ms 2500.031 ms 6 ( 170.197 ms 78.979 ms 7 ( 151.123 ms 525.177 ms 8 ( 150.909 ms ( 62.591 ms 9 ( 123.078 ms 68.847 ms 10 ( 79.834 ms 556.366 ms 11 cr2.ptdor.ip.att.net ( 245.606 ms 83.038 ms 12 cr81.st0wa.ip.att.net ( 80.078 ms 96.588 ms 13 gar1.omhne.ip.att.net ( 363.800 ms ( 72.113 ms 14 ( 188.965 ms 270.203 ms 15 xe-0-6-0-5.r04.sttlwa01.us.ce.gin.ntt.net ( 706.390 ms ae-6.r21.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 118.042 ms 16 xe-9-3-2-0.co1-96c-1b.ntwk.msn.net ( 675.110 ms ( 82.306 ms """ class Hop(object): """ Abstraction of a hop in a traceroute. """ def __init__(self, idx, asn=None): self.idx = idx # Hop count, starting at 1 self.asn = asn # Autonomous System number self.probes = [] # Series of Probe instances def add_probe(self, probe): """Adds a Probe instance to this hop's results.""" if self.probes: # Increment probe.num as soon as there are more than # one probes in the Hop probe.num = len(self.probes) + 1 probe_last = self.probes[-1] if not probe.ip: probe.ip = probe_last.ip probe.name = probe_last.name self.probes.append(probe) def __str__(self): text = "{:>3d} ".format(self.idx) if self.asn: text += "[AS{:>5d}] ".format(self.asn) text_len = len(text) for n, probe in enumerate(self.probes): text_probe = str(probe) if n: text += (text_len * " ") + text_probe else: text += text_probe text += "\n" return text class Probe(object): """ Abstraction of a probe in a traceroute. """ def __init__(self, name=None, ip=None, rtt=None, anno=''): # Default num is 1 . This will increment from Hop.add_probe() # as soon as hops are added to the probe. self.num = 1 self.name = name self.ip = ip self.rtt = rtt # RTT in ms self.anno = anno # Annotation, such as !H, !N, !X, etc def __str__(self): if self.rtt: text = "{:s} ({:s}) {:1.3f} ms {:s}\n".format(self.name, self.ip, self.rtt, self.anno) else: text = "*\n" return text class ParseError(Exception): pass def get_hop(line): matches_hop = RE_HOP.findall(line) for match_hop in matches_hop: idx = int(match_hop[0]) if match_hop[1]: asn = int(match_hop[1]) else: asn = None hop = Hop(idx, asn) probes_data = match_hop[2].split() # Get rid of 'ms': <name> | <(IP)> | <rtt> | '*' probes_data = filter(lambda s: s.lower() != 'ms', probes_data) i = 0 while i < len(probes_data): # For each hop parse probes name = None ip = None rtt = None anno = '' # RTT check comes first because RE_PROBE_NAME can confuse rtt with an IP as name # The regex RE_PROBE_NAME can be improved if RE_PROBE_RTT.match(probes_data[i]): # Matched rtt, so name and IP have been parsed before rtt = float(probes_data[i]) i += 1 elif RE_PROBE_NAME.match(probes_data[i]): # Matched a name, so next elements are IP and rtt name = probes_data[i] ip = probes_data[i + 1].strip('()') rtt = float(probes_data[i + 2]) i += 3 elif RE_PROBE_TIMEOUT.match(probes_data[i]): # Its a timeout, so maybe name and IP have been parsed before # or maybe not. But it's Hop job to deal with it rtt = None i += 1 else: ext = "i: %d\nprobes_data: %s\nname: %s\nip: %s\nrtt: %s\nanno: %s" % ( i, probes_data, name, ip, rtt, anno) raise ParseError("Parse error \n%s" % ext) # Check for annotation try: if RE_PROBE_ANNOTATION.match(probes_data[i]): anno = probes_data[i] i += 1 except IndexError: pass probe = Probe(name, ip, rtt, anno) hop.add_probe(probe) # Get hop return hop def _print_output(hop): print "Hop : %s" % hop.idx, "\n" for prob in hop.probes: print "\tProbe %d : \t Destination:%s , Ip: %s , Rtt: %s" % (prob.num, prob.name, prob.ip, prob.rtt), "\n" # TESTS: def _feed_multi(data): data_split = data.split("\n") for line in data_split: if line != '': get_hop(line) def _feed_single(line): get_hop(line) # feed_single('4 ( 3574.616 ms 0.153 ms') # feed_multi(tr_data)
This is the pyqt part:
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore import sys import time from libraries import trparse_rlt as tr class MainApp(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainApp, self).__init__() self.setupUI() def setupUI(self): self.setEnabled(False) self.init_elements() self.create_layouts() self.set_central_widget() self.setWindowTitle("traceroute") self.loaded() self.show() def set_central_widget(self): central_widget = QtGui.QWidget() central_widget.setLayout(self.main_layout) self.setCentralWidget(central_widget) def create_layouts(self): h1box = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() h1box.addWidget(self.cmbBox) h1box.addWidget(self.btn_trace) h2box = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() h2box.addWidget(self.tbl) self.main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.main_layout.addLayout(h1box) self.main_layout.addLayout(h2box) def init_elements(self): self.init_process() self.init_cmbBox() self.init_table() self.init_btn() def init_process(self): self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self) self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.parse_n_populate) self.process.started.connect(lambda: self.btn_trace.setEnabled(False)) self.process.finished.connect(lambda: self.btn_trace.setEnabled(True)) def init_cmbBox(self): self.cmbBox = QtGui.QComboBox() def init_table(self): self.tbl = QtGui.QTextEdit() self.tbl.setMinimumWidth(800) def init_btn(self): self.btn_trace = QtGui.QPushButton("Trace") self.btn_trace.setMaximumWidth(self.btn_trace.sizeHint().width()) self.btn_trace.clicked.connect(self.call_program) def call_program(self): self.process.start('traceroute www.google.com') def loaded(self): self.setEnabled(True) def parse_n_populate(self): trace_output = str(self.process.readAllStandardOutput()) hop = tr.get_hop(trace_output) print "traceoutput is :", trace_output, "\nhop is : ", hop if hop: cursor = self.tbl.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.End) cursor.insertText(str(hop)) self.tbl.ensureCursorVisible() def main(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) mainapp = MainApp() sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Tried with :
trace_output = str(self.process.readLine())
which seems to work better , but traceroute output stops sooner with no apparent reason .
Traceroute from terminal gives this : http://pastebin.com/u77Gww40
with the above implementation with readLine() : http://pastebin.com/CVEqvEPC ,i.e. traceroute stops at hop 23.
Unless you put that in a loop, readLine will only read one line each time. One thing you can do is split the content of trace_output on the carriage return and parse each element after that.
@SGaist said in QProcess event queue:
Unless you put that in a loop, readLine will only read one line each time. One thing you can do is split the content of trace_output on the carriage return and parse each element after that.
Sry didn't get notified about your reply. I have managed to solve this using subprocess module on a different thread. Would like to see it working with QProcess too though. Did you find any bug on my code?