WebKit and WebEngine not found in Qt 5.7
I have developed one Qt Quick application with Qt 5.2.0. The application contain a webview which must read youtube video but after youtube page loaded, video dont read. And when I stop the compilation, I get an error : LEAK : webcontext
After many google search, I haven't found solutions to the problem. I decided to export the application verse Qt 5.7. After installing of Qt 5.7, when I try to add webkit or webengine in my file .pro, I get Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webengine or Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit
I have searched webengine or webkit modules in MingGW/mkspecs/modules and MingGW/bin but I have found nothing.
Can you help me to install webkit or webengine for my Qt 5.7 ?
I'm using on Windows 8.1. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
For the QtWebKit module, you'll have to compile it by hand from sources. It's been deprecated in Qt 5.5 and remove from the pre-built package in 5.6. However you can still get it from sources.
As for the QtWebEngine module, AFAIK, on windows you need VisualStudio 2015. That's not a Qt requirement but Chromium.
If you get the sources from the installer, you can open it in Qt Creator and build it the same way as any project.
No you don't, you can still use Qt Creator. The VS IDE is not needed at all.
You'll deploy your application with the VS2015 version of Qt in place of the MinGW version.
Hi @SGaist
I have installed the mvs2015 from the Qt installer. I have also installed the Visual C++ Compiler 2015. I no longer get the error : Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webengine but when I try to include
#include <qtwebengineglobal.h>
orimport QtWebEngine 1.0
, I get this error : No such file or directory -
Did you do a full rebuild of your project ?
Also, it should rather be
#include <QtWebEngineGlobal>
Thank @SGaist, it work now
But i get some error when I run the project (very minimal code) :[0623/090553:ERROR:texture_manager.cc(2278)] [.CommandBufferContext.RenderCompositor-0446EC80]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_ENUM : glTexImage2D: <- error from previous GL command [0623/090553:ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(2109)] [.CommandBufferContext.RenderWorker-0446EF60]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_ENUM : GLES2DecoderImpl::DoBindTexImage2DCHROMIUM: <- error from previous GL command
But the project run
Sorry, that part I can't help you with. Looks like the error comes from Chromium itself.