QTranslator doesn't load .qm file
just testing translations of Qt 5.6 qt.labs.controls APP for Android and iOS
trying to load the .qm files fails. Tried two ways to load - same result:#include <QGuiApplication> #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> #include <QDebug> #include <QTranslator> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); qputenv("QT_LABS_CONTROLS_STYLE", "material"); QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QTranslator translator; // if (translator.load("one_page_ui_" + QLocale::system().name(), ":/translations")) { // app.installTranslator(&translator); // } else { // qDebug() << "cannot load translator " << QLocale::system().name(); // } if (translator.load(QLocale(), QLatin1String("one_page_ui"), QLatin1String("_"), QLatin1String(":/translations"))) { app.installTranslator(&translator); } else { qDebug() << "cannot load translator " << QLocale::system().name(); }
qm files are created by lrelease from my .pro:
# Used to embed the qm files in resources TRANSLATIONS_FILES = # run LRELEASE to generate the qm files qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease) for(tsfile, TRANSLATIONS) { qmfile = $$shadowed($$tsfile) qmfile ~= s,\\.ts$,.qm, qmdir = $$dirname(qmfile) !exists($$qmdir) { mkpath($$qmdir)|error("Aborting.") } command = $$LRELEASE -removeidentical $$tsfile -qm $$qmfile system($$command)|error("Failed to run: $$command") TRANSLATIONS_FILES += $$qmfile }
looking at the build-directories for Android or iOS the .qm files are deployed here:
- android-build
- ....
- Makefile
- ...
- translations/one_page_ui_de.qm
- translations/one_page_ui.qm
is there anything wrong ?
Do you want to use these files from Qt's resource system or from a hard drive ? Because currently the path your are using in your
call is within the resources but the build-directory note makes me think of a local deployment. -
@SGaist as I understood it right, using TRANSLATIONS_FILES in my .pro will make the .qm part of the resource system.
inside my project dir there are the /translations/*.ts files
build and run on Android or iOS then lrelease from my code above in .pro creates the .qm from .ts and if I take a look at the build dirs for android or ios I see the /translations/.qm files at the root of the build dirI didn't found any hint to do additional things to have the *.qm available from android or ios
is there anything wrong ? this stuff is new to me - developing BlackBerry Cascades (Qt 4.8) apps all the translations stuff was handled by magic - I only had to define the languages.
thx for any help
BTW: this is the complete .pro:
TEMPLATE = app QT += qml quick core CONFIG += c++11 SOURCES += main.cpp lupdate_only { SOURCES += main.qml \ common/*.qml \ demo/*.qml } OTHER_FILES += main.qml \ common/*.qml \ demo/*.qml RESOURCES += qml.qrc # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model QML_IMPORT_PATH = # Default rules for deployment. include(deployment.pri) # var, prepend, append defineReplace(prependAll) { for(a,$$1):result += $$2$${a}$$3 return($$result) } # Supported languages LANGUAGES = de en fr # Available translations TRANSLATIONS = $$PWD/translations/one_page_ui.ts TRANSLATIONS += $$prependAll(LANGUAGES, $$PWD/translations/one_page_ui_, .ts) # Used to embed the qm files in resources TRANSLATIONS_FILES = # run LRELEASE to generate the qm files qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease) for(tsfile, TRANSLATIONS) { qmfile = $$shadowed($$tsfile) qmfile ~= s,\\.ts$,.qm, qmdir = $$dirname(qmfile) !exists($$qmdir) { mkpath($$qmdir)|error("Aborting.") } command = $$LRELEASE -removeidentical $$tsfile -qm $$qmfile system($$command)|error("Failed to run: $$command") TRANSLATIONS_FILES += $$qmfile }
OK, I think I'm following you now.
If I understood correctly, that technique doesn't use Qt's resource system but create the files as a "resource to use by your application" i.e. it generates the files besides your application in a folder named "translations" that your should be able to access easily but not using
as protocol. If you want to embedded them within your executable you have to create a .qrc file for them. -
@SGaist thx for the hint. will try this
but then I need the .qm files in my project dir
this generates them into the build dir# run LRELEASE to generate the qm files qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease) for(tsfile, TRANSLATIONS) { qmfile = $shadowed($tsfile) qmfile ~= s,\\.ts$,.qm, qmdir = $dirname(qmfile) !exists($qmdir) { mkpath($qmdir)|error("Aborting.") } command = $LRELEASE -removeidentical $tsfile -qm $qmfile system($command)|error("Failed to run: $command") TRANSLATIONS_FILES += $qmfile }
any idea how to change this to get the qm files from lrelease in my project dir /translations besides the .ts ?
@SGaist found it. will post later the solution. it works now using .qrc. thx
@SGaist this way it runs on Android and iOS as expected:
TEMPLATE = app QT += qml quick core CONFIG += c++11 SOURCES += main.cpp lupdate_only { SOURCES += main.qml \ common/*.qml \ demo/*.qml } OTHER_FILES += main.qml \ common/*.qml \ demo/*.qml RESOURCES += qml.qrc \ translations.qrc # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model QML_IMPORT_PATH = # Default rules for deployment. include(deployment.pri) # T R A N S L A T I O N S # if languages are added: # 1. rebuild project to generate *.qm # 2. add existing .qm files to translations.qrc # if changes to translatable strings: # 1. Run Tools-External-Linguist-Update # 2. Run Linguist and do translations # 3. Build and run on iOS and Android to verify translations # Supported languages LANGUAGES = de en fr # used to create .ts files defineReplace(prependAll) { for(a,$$1):result += $$2$${a}$$3 return($$result) } # Available translations TRANSLATIONS = $$PWD/translations/one_page_ui.ts TRANSLATIONS += $$prependAll(LANGUAGES, $$PWD/translations/one_page_ui_, .ts) # run LRELEASE to generate the qm files qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease) for(tsfile, TRANSLATIONS) { qmfile = $$tsfile qmfile ~= s,\\.ts$,.qm, command = $$LRELEASE -removeidentical $$tsfile -qm $$qmfile system($$command)|error("Failed to run: $$command") }
thx for helping. now I understand it better how it works
question: I'm using the app name (one_page_ui) sometimes inside .pro. Can I replace this using a variable ?BTW: is there a way to create a .qrc and add files dynamically from inside .pro ? would be great to eliminate this manual step.
Usually you have the application name stored in the
variable that you can then re-use.You can try to create your own custom target that you would run before the build starts.
@SGaist now I added TARGET and changed creation of .ts files and reduced required code for lrelease
here's my final way to deal with .ts / .qm:TEMPLATE = app TARGET = one_page_ui QT += qml quick core CONFIG += c++11 SOURCES += main.cpp lupdate_only { SOURCES += main.qml \ common/*.qml \ demo/*.qml } OTHER_FILES += main.qml \ common/*.qml \ demo/*.qml RESOURCES += qml.qrc \ translations.qrc # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model QML_IMPORT_PATH = # Default rules for deployment. include(deployment.pri) # T R A N S L A T I O N S # if languages are added: # 1. rebuild project to generate *.qm # 2. add existing .qm files to translations.qrc # if changes to translatable strings: # 1. Run Tools-External-Linguist-Update # 2. Run Linguist and do translations # 3. Build and run on iOS and Android to verify translations # Supported languages LANGUAGES = de en fr # used to create .ts files defineReplace(prependAll) { for(a,$$1):result += $$2$${a}$$3 return($$result) } # Available translations tsroot = $$join(TARGET,,,.ts) tstarget = $$join(TARGET,,,_) TRANSLATIONS = $$PWD/translations/$$tsroot TRANSLATIONS += $$prependAll(LANGUAGES, $$PWD/translations/$$tstarget, .ts) # run LRELEASE to generate the qm files qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease) for(tsfile, TRANSLATIONS) { command = $$LRELEASE $$tsfile system($$command)|error("Failed to run: $$command") }
only manual step required is to run lupdate if translatable strings changed in src or qml
FWIW: I have written a blog about this: http://j.mp/qt-i18n
Thanks !