[SOLVED] How to access a slot from a different widget: If form1 clicks a button, form2 should respond.
I'm using two widgets in a stacked layout. the first one, mainWidget, is the one with said layout and therefore is the one in charge of "movement", meaning that it should receive a signal from is stacked widgets that the currentIndex should change.
The second widget, which is a login form, verifies the user and password from a SQLite database. The verification part is already done, although I still can't figure out how to tell the mainWidget (the one that controls the stackedlayout) that it should change the index.
To be clear, a button in the login form should be able to change the stack in mainWidget, but I couldn't do this either with accessors or connect().
Is there anyway to do this?
Thanks in advance. -
In case anyone wonders, I found the way to connect both classes and tell mainWidget to change stack through the login widget's button.
//header of the login widget public slots: void verifyUser(int iUserCorrect ) { if ( iUserCorrect != iUserVerified ) { iUserVerified = iUserCorrect; emit valueChanged( iUserVerified ); } } signals: void valueChanged( int iUserCorrect ); private slots: void on_btnLogin_clicked(); private: Ui::QLogin *ui; QSqlDatabase sqlUsuarios; int iUserVerified;
source file of the login widget (only where valueChanged was used, in the SQLite verification):
iUserVerified = 0; QSqlQuery sqlQry; if(sqlQry.exec("SELECT User, Password, Role FROM Usuarios WHERE User=\'" + sUsername + "\' AND Password =\'" + sPassword + "\'")) { if(sqlQry.next()) { ui->lblStatus->setText("Nombre de usuario y contraseña válidos."); qDebug() << "Usuario OK"; verifyUser(1); }
and finally, the connect() in the mainWidget source file. Note that I had already made an instance of a promoted login widget inside this file:
#include "mainwidget.h" #include "ui_mainwidget.h" #include <qlogin.h> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QCalendarWidget> #include <QDebug> #include <QPushButton> mainWidget::mainWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::mainWidget) { mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); stackedLayout = new QStackedLayout(); QLogin *loginWidget = new QLogin; stackedLayout->addWidget(loginWidget); stackedLayout->addWidget(new QCalendarWidget); mainLayout->addLayout(stackedLayout); setLayout(mainLayout); connect(loginWidget, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeStack())); ui->setupUi(this); }
The changeStack method simply changes the index of the stack:
void mainWidget::changeStack() { stackedLayout->setCurrentIndex(stackedLayout->currentIndex() + 1); qDebug() << "changeStack()"; }
Took me some time, but I finally got it.