QL Location 5.3 and google maps
Hello, sorry if its a basic question but I am a beginner in QT and QML
Someone has all the steps for showing a google maps view on a Android using QML and QT Location? Is just getting an API and app_id from google and using the Lotation methods? Is the API really working or we have to wait for QT 5.5 or 5.6? What is the alternative for showing on Android and using QML a MAP and find for streets and showing markers?
Best regards
Luis Neves -
Hi @luismneves, and welcome to the Qt Dev Net!
Qt Location is a new release in Qt 5.5 (as a tech preview). I'm not sure how Google Maps can be integrated, but see http://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.5/qtlocation-index.html to get started.
You can read about Qt 5.5 and download the beta here: http://blog.qt.io/blog/2015/05/15/qt-5-5-beta-released/
Thank you JKSH for your links