Qt Installer Framework and OpenSSL
I am creation simple app online installer with Qt Installer Framework 2.0.0 on Windows 8.1
binarycreator gives me this error:Could not register file downloader for https protocol: QSslSocket::supportsSsl() returns false
But it creates installer and it works if Repository Url in config.xml is something like http://localhost/repository
But if repository is hosted with Dropbox or Google Drive, installer stops with this error:
How to fix this?
PS Google Drive link to repository, if necessary:
https://f96d56701af2416203437bcc9a755e3ccf7f5c13.googledrive.com/host/0BzsnBzfm3vfVflBsRThvNUE0LWF5cGRVempMV1lLUFk5STdNRjBBVzR2THBMeW11RzNUZlE -
I figured out, that QSslSocket::supportsSsl() returns false due to lack of the OpenSSL installation.
Adding OpenSSL dlls to the installer dir solved this problem and starts another:
How to distribute the installer, which depends on OpenSSL dlls?