QMenu infrastructure - is deriving an own Menu not an option?
Would you have a picture to share with the result you want to achieve ?
You got me hooked. I'm really curious how you expect the pie menu to look differently than the ones we all know. Please share a screenshot.
As an alternative approach, there is an unofficial qml plugin to integrate rive animations in your qt app: https://github.com/basysKom/RiveQtQuickPlugin
Here's me loading a .qml file with a rive item into a PyQt6 application, every interaction is handled with rive.
Additionally, here's some wheel menus that I found, so if you're good with design and animation concepts, it's pretty easy to replicate without complicated coding:
I had to remove my zoom & evade- code, as it didn't work right, yet. But there you can get an idea of what I believe it should look like...
And here's another Video - you can see it doesn't help much not to be able to use the QMenuPrivate infrastructure, as QPieMenu has no way to tell, if it was caused by another menu or not (context). Still looks cool ;)
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w4b4402k3l7yp8by4mwxq/PieMenuTesting_Wl9kcndwHo.mp4?rlkey=1yylqzywz23p60tafaau0hao3&dl=0And in Windows-Style:
![https://i.imgur.com/c40QMYT.gif](image url)