QtWebEngine python binding package named "PyQtWebEngine" yocto installation
I am working on an IoT project that requires UI/UX development, and I’m currently trying to add the PyQtWebEngine package to Yocto (Scarthgap). However, I’m encountering issues with the Python bindings.Is PyQtWebEngine already available in Yocto? If yes, could you please share the relevant details or documentation?
If it’s not available, how can I add this package? Could you share a detailed process for integrating it into Yocto? Any documentation or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I have written new recipe for python3-pyqtwebengine, but facing issues with the python-bindings. -
Since this is a PyQt question, if you do not get an answer here you could try asking the PyQt folks over at https://riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt