QT Creator installer setup fails on Linux ARM: Process crashed
I'm facing a problem when installing the QT Creator IDE in Linux ARM, with the comunnity installer downloaded from the QT download page. I had no problems when installing on Linux x86. ARM fails when installing the components though, showing the this error in a dialog:
Error during installation process (qt.qt6.680.linux_gcc_arm64): Failed to run command: "/home/user/Qt/6.8.0/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake": Process crashed
I also get this warning in the terminal where I executed the installer:
Warning: /home/user/Qt/6.8.0/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake" QList("-query") crashed with exit code 11 standard output: "" error output: "
When selecting components, I have tried choosing Qt 6.8 for Desktop development and also Custom Installation, but they both seem to fail when installing Qt.
I've tried to install QT Creator Ubuntu 22.04 (under Gnome) and Raspberry Os Lite (under Xfce4) on a Raspberry CM4, and I get in both the same error. Why is this hapenning? -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Can you run it with the debugger to check where it crashes ?
I'm getting the same problem trying to install Qt on a Raspberry Pi.
Using the installer from qt.io, it installs 44 of 392 components and then fails with the error: Failed to run command ~/Qt/6.8.0/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake : Process crashed.
In the shell that I launched the installer from I get: Warning ~/Qt/6.8.0/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake QList("-query") crashed with exit code 11 standard output: "" error output:
I can run that particular qmake from the command line and I get the usage message, but adding the -query results in a segmentation fault.
I tried replacing that version of qmake with a symlink to the system qmake, but now get an error message:
Error during installation process (qt.qt6.680.wasm_multithread): Could not find the required QmakeOutputInstallerKey(qt.qt6.680.wasm_multithread_qmakeoutput) value on the installer object. The ConsumeOutput operation on the valid qmake needs to be called first.
After getting the dialog error Error during installation process (qt.qt6.680.linux_gcc_arm64): Failed to run command: "/home/user/Qt/6.8.0/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake": Process crashed in the QT Creator installer setup, remove the file under "Qt/6.8.0/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake" (without closing the dialog) and create a symlink that points to the "/usr/lib/qt6/bin/qmake" binary ("ln -s /usr/lib/qmake6/bin/qmake ~/Qt/6.8.0/gcc_arm64/bin/qmake") that might be installed with "apt install qmake6 " and click retry. It should complete the installation. Hope this is fixed. -
I did your trick it allows the install to finish but it's unusable with qtcreator which refuse this version of qmake.
I can't install on ubuntu 22.04 mac vmware . The process aborts with the above listed messages. The installed binaries succeed to download but are unusable.But with an upper version of ubuntu (24.04) the online installer works normally on arm64 virtualized
Il don't understand why it is not possible to upgrade from 6.7 to 6.8 ? It's annoying
Have you another idea ?
C Christian Ehrlicher moved this topic from General and Desktop