QtWebEngine signing issue
I'm experiencing problems after signing Mac APP, the webview crashed after opened the app. Here are all the steps I tried during the sign:
First try:
codesign --verbose --deep --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign 'Developer ID Application: xxxx' 'xx.app' Pack the app to dmg xcrun notarytool submit --apple-id xxxx --password **** --team-id xxxx --wait dmg
Notary status :Accepted, but after the dmg installed, the webpage can't work properly.
Second try:
codesign --verbose --deep --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign 'Developer ID Application: xxxx' 'xx.app' codesign --verbose --deep --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign 'Developer ID Application: xxx' --entitlements QtWebEngineProcess.entitlements 'xxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Helpers/QtWebEngineProcess.app/Contents/MacOS/QtWebEngineProcess' Pack the app to the dmg xcrun notarytool submit --apple-id xxxx --password **** --team-id xxxx --wait dmg
After the APP installed, it will still prompts a dialog shows the app wasn't sign properly.
May I ask the right way to sign the APP with QtWebEngine? Need some help here. Thanks in advance