Repair Option for Maintenance Tool?
if I'm correct, there is no option to repair the current installation, right?
All I can do is add / remove my components, update components to a newer version and uninstall everything...
I'm wondering if there is an easy way to re-install / repair all currently installed components without removing them all and installing them manually again.
Would be great if an option like this could be added.Edit:
If I remove + install components, the tool installs the latest versions and not the ones I have. I dont want that to happen. Some files on my dev partition became corrupt and are unreadable now (hardware failure), so I want to install/repair the SAME again.
@Pl45m4 said in Repair Option for Maintenance Tool?:
If I remove + install components, the tool installs the lastest versions and not the ones I have. I dont want that to happen. Some files in on my dev partition became corrupt and are unreadable now (hardware failure), so I want to install/repair the SAME again.
I don't think this is supported (officially). I do think there was a checkbox to select "Show all versions" or something akin, if it hasn't been removed that is.