QWebEngineView Crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated when trying to load a PDF file
Hi! I use the QWebEngineView to display a PDF file stored on my local drive. It works on my Windows machine until I specifically rename or delete the PDF. On other machines it supposedly has issues even with the file located in the correct place and with correct name, but an error causes the program to crash in some cases.
The error I get is a pop-up message with 'Crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated' and an ok button that discards it. Like said above, in some cases it may lead to am application crash. In case the file was missing, i would o my expect a default chromium error page with such information to be displayed.
To display the PDF file I create a QUrl using the fromLocalFile method and then pass it to the QWebEngineView via the load method.
This happens on Windows, with MSVC2019 and both QT 6.3.1 and 6.5. Has anyone experienced similar issues? Any guidance will be much appreciated, including help in debugging the qt web engine (with which I was so far not successful).