Merge two pieces of code
@SGaist Yes, I try to use stackoverflow code that has an approach for what I am trying so many days to do. Please look previous posts. And these are errors...
I already answered to the errors you are getting.
@SGaist said in Merge two pieces of code:
This is not a class method, you need an instance of QScreen.
You really should read the documentation of the classes you are using rather than just blindingly copy paste.
I have been making many changes all day. The rest of the application runs, but nowhere I can see a rubberband rectangle in order to select/printscreen an area. I get these warnings though...I am searching it, but any idea would help...
QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1 QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted
Where exactly are you doing custom painting ?
I don't know! This is the modified last part of my code:
if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) icon = QIcon(os.path.join(selfDir, '_static', 'orthoview.ico')) app.setWindowIcon(icon) from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * data = take_screenshot() window = QWidget() layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(window) pixmap = QPixmap() pixmap.loadFromData(data) label = QtWidgets.QLabel() label.setPixmap(pixmap) layout.addWidget(label) geometry = app.desktop().availableGeometry() window.setFixedSize(geometry.width(), geometry.height()) window = OrthoView() sys.exit(app.exec_())
I used/modified this:
import sys from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets def take_screenshot(): from PyQt5 import QtCore as pyqt5c from PyQt5 import QtWidgets as pyqt5w screen = pyqt5w.QApplication.primaryScreen() winid = pyqt5w.QApplication.desktop().winId() pixmap = screen.grabWindow(winid) ba = pyqt5c.QByteArray() buff = pyqt5c.QBuffer(ba), "PNG") return if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) data = take_screenshot() pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap() pixmap.loadFromData(data) label = QtWidgets.QLabel() label.setPixmap(pixmap) sys.exit(app.exec_())
Maybe I misunderstand, but you calltake_screenshot()
as the very first thing you do, before you have created or shown anything at all? What would you expect from that, logically?EDIT
OK, you're trying to screenshot what's already on the screen? Sorry, I misunderstood. Still seems very early but may be correct. Ignore this post if it is :)I'm not sure I see anything here to do with custom painting. Do you use a debugger? Do you step through your code to find out where your problems come from? We need you to (learn to) do that, people here don't know where the errors come in your code.
@JonB Yes, I am trying to find the errors!
So, nicely, do you use some Python debugger to execute your code? -
@JonB I write the code on a simple text editor and run it on Ubuntu's command line..
Yeah, that's not a great starting point :) That means you have to putprint()
statements everywhere if you want to know what's going on.Unfortunately so far as I know Qt Creator still offers nothing fur running/debugging Python. (Has this changed?) I used PyCharm as editor and debugger for my Python coding, it was great, but not integrated with Qt Creator if you are designing UI files there. Else, I don't know but running under
might be better than nothing at all. -
Yes, I work with "prints" inside code.... So here how things are: The program goes to the below methods (source on my previous posts) , but it does not displays the rectangle so it does not call screenshot...Any ideas?
Sorry! Updated the correct code!
def mousePressEvent(self, event): print("56") ''' Mouse is pressed. If selection is visible either set dragging mode (if close to border) or hide selection. If selection is not visible make it visible and start at this point. ''' if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: print("57") position = QtCore.QPoint(event.pos()) print("58") if self.selection.isVisible(): print("59") # visible selection if (self.upper_left - position).manhattanLength() < 20: print("60") # close to upper left corner, drag it self.mode = "drag_upper_left" print("61") elif (self.lower_right - position).manhattanLength() < 20: print("62") # close to lower right corner, drag it self.mode = "drag_lower_right" print("63") else: print("64") # clicked somewhere else, hide selection self.selection.hide() print("65") else: # no visible selection, start new selection print("66") self.upper_left = position print("67") self.lower_right = position print("68") self.mode = "drag_lower_right" print("69") print("70") def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): print("71") ''' Mouse moved. If selection is visible, drag it according to drag mode. ''' if self.selection.isVisible(): print("72") # visible selection if self.mode == "drag_lower_right": print("73") self.lower_right = QtCore.QPoint(event.pos()) print("74") elif self.mode == "drag_upper_left": print("75") self.upper_left = QtCore.QPoint(event.pos()) print("76") # update geometry self.selection.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(self.upper_left, self.lower_right).normalized()) print("77")
def take_screenshot(): print("205") from PyQt5 import QtCore as pyqt5c print("206") from PyQt5 import QtWidgets as pyqt5w print("207") screen = pyqt5w.QApplication.primaryScreen() print("208") winid = pyqt5w.QApplication.desktop().winId() print("209") pixmap = screen.grabWindow(winid) print("210") ba = pyqt5c.QByteArray() print("211") buff = pyqt5c.QBuffer(ba) print("212"), "PNG") print("213") return
if __name__ == "__main__": print("214") app = QApplication(sys.argv) print("215") icon = QIcon(os.path.join(selfDir, '_static', 'orthoview.ico')) print("216") app.setWindowIcon(icon) print("217") from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * print("218") data = take_screenshot() print("219") window = QWidget() print("220") layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(window) print("221") pixmap = QPixmap() print("222") pixmap.loadFromData(data) print("223") label = QtWidgets.QLabel() print("224") label.setPixmap(pixmap) print("225") layout.addWidget(label) print("226") geometry = app.desktop().availableGeometry() print("227") window.setFixedSize(geometry.width(), geometry.height()) print("228") window = OrthoView() print("229") print("230") sys.exit(app.exec_())
Seems to be much the same code as you started with, re-pasted. I don't understand how you said you had moved from Qt4 to Qt5 withQtGui
changes, yet now you haveQtGui.QLabel
, which as far as I know should not work....Anyway, I don't know what path your code is or is not following. It's time for you to put your own
statements in if you want to understand what is going on.... -
@JonB Yes, I have put "prints" inside the code, that is how I figure out on which parts of code the execution goes...
But you don't tell me, so you want me to guess?Does it hit the
? Does it hit the move code? What is your usage of Pythonis
instead of==
inif self.mode is "drag_lower_right"
?I leave it to you now.
@JonB Sorry! I updated the right code! Please see above 2-3 posts..
When I press the mouse button it goes: 56, 57,58, 59, 62, 63, 56, 57,58, 59, 62, 63....
When I move the mouse, it goes 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77...
Either I have loaded an image or not! -
I don't know.self.lower_right = QtCore.QPoint(event.pos()) self.upper_left = QtCore.QPoint(event.pos()) self.selection.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(self.upper_left, self.lower_right).normalized())
Are the coordinates of
correct forsetGeometry()
? Start by getting some visible rubber band, e.g. put suitable constants in there instead of relying on mouse positions? -
@john_hobbyist did you try to just get the rubber band stuff working on a minimal widget ?
You can then apply that knowledge to your more complex application.
Progress :) \o/Check for RubberbandEnhancedLabel (if you use it still ) what parent you assign to it
when you create it. -
@mrjj You mean this:
label = RubberbandEnhancedLabel()
but I do not use it. I have it as comment from previous code. Basically the whole unused/commented code is this:
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) screen_pixmap = QScreen.grabWindow (self, win_id, left, top, width, height) window = QtGui.QWidget() layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(window) label = RubberbandEnhancedLabel() label.setPixmap(screen_pixmap) layout.addWidget(label) geometry = app.desktop().availableGeometry() window.setFixedSize(geometry.width(), geometry.height())
which I do not use (copied from one of the sources above...). Should I use something from here?