Selecting data from mysql using qt?
this command didnt return something
root@zafar-laptop:/# find /opt/lampp -name log -type d
@ -
i have a folder inside lampp with the name logs. is it the one which your are talking about
Solution 1:
@find /opt/lampp -name '*.log'@
This might need sudo'ing.Solution 2:
If 1st fails then you need to find the config files for mysql (it should be located in /opt/lampp directory) and try to find out what is the location of mysql's log files. -
there are 6 files in there but no mysql.log
these are the files
access_log, cgisock.1693, error_log,, php_error_log, ssl_request_log -
Don't bother with the log files, I guess Qt looks at the wrong place for the socket file...
Let's check this line in your mysql config file (my.cnf):
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
You should find my.cnf in /etc/ or /etc/mysql/ ... I don't know ubuntu that much.
1st solution returns this
root@zafar-laptop:/# find /opt/lampp -name *.log
@ -
with which editor i can view that .conf file. with gedit or something.
[quote author="¤ Dii ¤" date="1286881470"]
You should find my.cnf in /etc/ or /etc/mysql/ ... I don't know ubuntu that much.[/quote]I don't think that this config will be in /etc. He uses lampp - a preconfigured bundle. That config might be in /opt/lampp.
BTW a quick sum:
- mysql is installed
- database and tables are created
- access is granted
- qt code looks fine
I see two possibilities here: libmysqlclient is missing, or the socket file is at different place.
the file my.cnf is in etc/mysql folder
doforumda: use gedit
sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf
at least most of the ubuntu machines have the config file there.
this is the socket line in my.cnf
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
@ -
ok then the wrong socket guess was wrong... but let's make it sure:
sudo ls -l /var/run/mysqld/*
after running this sudo ls -l /var/run/mysqld/* there is nothing inside run directory
uhmmmmmmm that's more than strange, the socket file should be there somewhere, let's find it:
find /var -name mysqld.sock
if no result:
find /opt -name mysqld.sock
both of them didnt return any resutl
root@zafar-laptop:/# find /var -name mysqld.sock
root@zafar-laptop:/# find /opt -name mysqld.sock
@ -
I have bitnami lampp stack installed and when I start it then the socket file is created in /opt/lamppstack/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock. I think doforumda shoudl have similar directory and we need to check the permissions for that directory.
Usually that means, that the mysql daemon is not running... but the the command line should not work as well... ;(
It doesn't hurt to try to start the daemon:
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start
... and do the search for the socket file as above.
gosh, do the find with sudo:
sudo find /opt -name mysqld.sock
sudo find /var -name mysqld.sockdamn, I always forget that with ubuntu
lyuts: yes, if he have the socket file at the same place, we need to symlink it to the /var/... location and happy end :) I hope so.