Selecting data from mysql using qt?
Change the 19th line to
@QSqlQuery query(db);@
same error again
Take a look into mysql logs to see what happens when you are trying to connect from your application.
how can i check that mysql logs and from where?
[quote author="doforumda" date="1286880547"]how can i check that mysql logs and from where? [/quote]
Try to find them:
@find /opt/lampp -name log -type d@When you find the log directory, find a log for mysql and use tail utility:
@tail -f /path/to/mysql.log@
this command didnt return something
root@zafar-laptop:/# find /opt/lampp -name log -type d
@ -
i have a folder inside lampp with the name logs. is it the one which your are talking about
Solution 1:
@find /opt/lampp -name '*.log'@
This might need sudo'ing.Solution 2:
If 1st fails then you need to find the config files for mysql (it should be located in /opt/lampp directory) and try to find out what is the location of mysql's log files. -
there are 6 files in there but no mysql.log
these are the files
access_log, cgisock.1693, error_log,, php_error_log, ssl_request_log -
Don't bother with the log files, I guess Qt looks at the wrong place for the socket file...
Let's check this line in your mysql config file (my.cnf):
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
You should find my.cnf in /etc/ or /etc/mysql/ ... I don't know ubuntu that much.
1st solution returns this
root@zafar-laptop:/# find /opt/lampp -name *.log
@ -
with which editor i can view that .conf file. with gedit or something.
[quote author="¤ Dii ¤" date="1286881470"]
You should find my.cnf in /etc/ or /etc/mysql/ ... I don't know ubuntu that much.[/quote]I don't think that this config will be in /etc. He uses lampp - a preconfigured bundle. That config might be in /opt/lampp.
BTW a quick sum:
- mysql is installed
- database and tables are created
- access is granted
- qt code looks fine
I see two possibilities here: libmysqlclient is missing, or the socket file is at different place.
the file my.cnf is in etc/mysql folder
doforumda: use gedit
sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf
at least most of the ubuntu machines have the config file there.
this is the socket line in my.cnf
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
@ -
ok then the wrong socket guess was wrong... but let's make it sure:
sudo ls -l /var/run/mysqld/*
after running this sudo ls -l /var/run/mysqld/* there is nothing inside run directory
uhmmmmmmm that's more than strange, the socket file should be there somewhere, let's find it:
find /var -name mysqld.sock
if no result:
find /opt -name mysqld.sock