WebEngine - How to draw an animated SVG above a transparent web view?
On a Qt Quick interface, I need to show a complex animated SVG image. As the standard SVG module didn't support the SVG I want to show, I tried to use a WebEngineView as a component to achieve my drawing.
All works fine except that I cannot change the background color. I need my image to be shown above a colored background, however the image background is always white.
I tried the following code:
WebEngineView { id: wvWebEngineView anchors.fill: parent backgroundColor: "transparent" url: "qrc:/Resources/Images/tbackupextractor/im-loading-animation.svg" }
This resolve the transparency issue, however the background is no longer cleared, and this result to a completely insane drawing:
So how can I both turn my page background transparent AND show an animated SVG on it?