DLL issue even with all Qt DLL in the directory
Hello all,
I am trying to build an application that was initially developed with:
- Windows 7
- Qt 5.6.1
- MinGW 4.9.2 32bits
Today I have:
- Windows 10
- Qt 5.11.1 (since Qt5.12.1 doesn't include MinGW 32bits :(!)
- MinGW 5.3.0 32bits
I followed this tutorial:
And nothing worked (windeployqt, manually include everything).
So I reached the last part: post here to get help!Here is the error I have:
Here are the files I have in the directory:
├── app.exe
├── D3Dcompiler_47.dll
├── iconengines
│ └── qsvgicon.dll
├── imageformats
│ ├── qgif.dll
│ ├── qicns.dll
│ ├── qico.dll
│ ├── qjpeg.dll
│ ├── qsvg.dll
│ ├── qtga.dll
│ ├── qtiff.dll
│ ├── qwbmp.dll
│ └── qwebp.dll
├── libEGL.dll
├── libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
├── libGLESV2.dll
├── libstdc++-6.dll
├── libwinpthread-1.dll
├── moc_predefs.h
├── opengl32sw.dll
├── platforms
│ └── qwindows.dll
├── Qt5Core.dll
├── Qt5Gui.dll
├── Qt5Svg.dll
├── Qt5Widgets.dll
├── styles
│ └── qwindowsvistastyle.dll
└── translations
├── qt_ar.qm
├── qt_bg.qm
├── qt_ca.qm
├── qt_cs.qm
├── qt_da.qm
├── qt_de.qm
├── qt_en.qm
├── qt_es.qm
├── qt_fi.qm
├── qt_fr.qm
├── qt_gd.qm
├── qt_he.qm
├── qt_hu.qm
├── qt_it.qm
├── qt_ja.qm
├── qt_ko.qm
├── qt_lv.qm
├── qt_pl.qm
├── qt_ru.qm
├── qt_sk.qm
└── qt_uk.qm5 directories, 46 files
Many thanks for your help!
@Tapto said in DLL issue even with all Qt DLL in the directory:
Qt 5.11.1 (since Qt5.12.1 doesn't include MinGW 32bits :(!)
Qt 5.12.2 fixes that issue, it's been released last week.
@Tapto said in DLL issue even with all Qt DLL in the directory:
Here is the error I have:
Error 0xc0000142 is lower-level than Qt. It could mean that your Windows installation is damaged.
Does the app work correctly when you run in from Qt Creator?
@sierdzio said in DLL issue even with all Qt DLL in the directory:
Qt 5.12.2 fixes that issue, it's been released last week.
=> But Qt 5.12.2 doesn't come with WinGW 32 bits. And I have to include 32bits libs.@JKSH said in DLL issue even with all Qt DLL in the directory:
Error 0xc0000142 is lower-level than Qt. It could mean that your Windows installation is damaged.
Does the app work correctly when you run in from Qt Creator?
=> No it doesn't work in Qt Creator either. In Qt Creator, I only get a message "Application crashed". I get the error code only when launching the executable manually.As I said I am using 32bits external libs. Maybe the issue is with those libs. Could you give me a pointer on how to try to debug this?
Many thanks!
@Tapto said in DLL issue even with all Qt DLL in the directory:
=> But Qt 5.12.2 doesn't come with WinGW 32 bits.
Yes it does. https://blog.qt.io/blog/2019/03/15/qt-5-12-2-released/
=> No it doesn't work in Qt Creator either. In Qt Creator, I only get a message "Application crashed". I get the error code only when launching the executable manually.
The wiki page says, "This guide... assumes that... the release version of your app works correctly when you build + run it from Qt Creator".
If it doesn't work in Qt Creator, then it won't work when you try to deploy it.
As I said I am using 32bits external libs. Maybe the issue is with those libs. Could you give me a pointer on how to try to debug this?
- Create a small Hello World project using Qt only. Does this run correctly in Qt Creator?
- Create a small project that uses your external lib. Does this run correctly in Qt Creator?
Sorry, it took me a bit of time to make the tests:
- A simple "Hello world" project runs correctly in Qt Creator?
- When using the external lib, the program crashes. I suspect an incompatibility of this old lib with Windows 10.
I need to further investigated this issue...
Many thanks for your help!