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    @sierdzio setting an alias for the StackView and then calling root.stack.push worked for me. Thanks!

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    5 Posts

    @SGaist I didn't in fact ( and I can't in the short term).

    Just to clarify I'll mention the documentation related to this 'bearer stack removal' : Qt Network in Qt 6.
    It also leads to QTBUG-86966 where QNetworkInformation is presented as solution for "Reachability" device state checks!!

    However I still can't find anything that tells me how to overcome my "NoInternetAccess" device state related problem.

    But that's great news!!
    Maybe my problem has already been taken care of.


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    5 Posts

    Well, it took a lot of time for me to solve this problem. I solved it not in the way I wanted, but it works fine.
    Firstly, work with MS Access multi-valued fields is quite strange but quite simple: you should clear a field like DELETE Field.Value FROM MyTable WHERE Table.ID = MyID;. Then you can leave it clear or populate with new values performing several INSERT queries: INSERT INTO MyTable (Field.Value) VALUES (MyValue) WHERE MyTable.ID = MyID;.
    And it turned out that it's not that easy to make such code work in OnManualSubmit strategy table model, so I've made a widget which allows you to modify such fields. It is called MultiValueEditor.

    #ifndef MULTIVALUEEDITOR_H #define MULTIVALUEEDITOR_H #include <QDialog> #include <QListWidget> #include <QHash> #include <QSqlRelation> class MultiValueEditor : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT QModelIndex m_projectIndex; QListWidget* m_list; QHash<int, QListWidgetItem*> m_idToItem; public: explicit MultiValueEditor(QModelIndex t_index, const QSqlRelation& t_relation, QWidget* parent = nullptr); ~MultiValueEditor(); public slots: void accept() override; signals: void signalFinished(); }; #endif // MULTIVALUEEDITOR_H


    #include "multivalueeditor.h" #include <QSqlQuery> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QDialogButtonBox> #include <QPushButton> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QSqlError> #include <QDebug> #include <QSortFilterProxyModel> #include <QSqlTableModel> MultiValueEditor::MultiValueEditor(QModelIndex t_index, const QSqlRelation& t_relation, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) , m_projectIndex(t_index) { const QString queryStr = QString("SELECT [%1], [%2] FROM [%3] ORDER BY [%2];") .arg(t_relation.indexColumn(), t_relation.displayColumn(), t_relation.tableName()); QSqlQuery query(queryStr, QSqlDatabase::database()); m_list = new QListWidget; while ( { const int id = query.value(0).toInt(); const QString value = query.value(1).toString(); QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem(value); m_list->addItem(item); item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); item->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); m_idToItem[id] = item; } QString value =; if (!value.isEmpty()) { for (const QString& id : value.split(';')) { m_idToItem[id.toInt()]->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); } } QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &MultiValueEditor::accept); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &MultiValueEditor::reject); QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(m_list); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); setLayout(mainLayout); setWindowTitle(QString("Edit field '%1'").arg(t_relation.tableName())); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); } MultiValueEditor::~MultiValueEditor() {} void MultiValueEditor::accept() { // I use QSFPM, but there can be either QSqlTableModel or QSqlRelationalTableModel const QSortFilterProxyModel* proxyModel = qobject_cast<const QSortFilterProxyModel*>(m_projectIndex.model()); QSqlTableModel* sqlModel = qobject_cast<QSqlTableModel*>(proxyModel->sourceModel()); const QString primaryKeyName = sqlModel->headerData(0, Qt::Horizontal).toString(); const QString tableName = sqlModel->tableName(); const QString fieldName = sqlModel->headerData(m_projectIndex.column(), Qt::Horizontal).toString(); QString queryStr = QString("DELETE [%1].Value FROM [%2] WHERE [%3]=:tableId;") .arg(fieldName, tableName, primaryKeyName); QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(queryStr); const int tableId = m_projectIndex.siblingAtColumn(0).data().toInt(); query.bindValue(":tableId", tableId); if (!query.exec()) { QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Critical, ERROR_TITLE, QString("Error executing SQL-query\n%1") .arg(query.lastError().text()), QMessageBox::Ok, this); msgBox.exec(); } for (auto it = m_idToItem.constBegin(); it != m_idToItem.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.value()->checkState() == Qt::Checked) { queryStr = QString("INSERT INTO [%1] ([%2].Value) " "VALUES (:fieldId) WHERE [%3]=:tableId;") .arg(tableName, fieldName, primaryKeyName); query.prepare(queryStr); query.bindValue(":fieldId", it.key()); query.bindValue(":tableId", tableId); query.exec(); } } emit signalFinished(); close(); }

    And in a place where you manage your table view (in my case in the MainWindow) you should connect TableView's double click with the execution of the MultiValueEditor. In my case it looks like this:

    void MainWindow::setupDatabaseModels() { //... connect(m_projectTableView, &CustomTableView::doubleClicked, this, &MainWindow::slotEditProject); //... } void MainWindow::slotEditProject(const QModelIndex &index) { const int col = index.column(); if (col == 5) { QSqlRelation relation = QSqlRelation("Employees", "ID", "Name"); MultiValueEditor* multivalueEditor = new MultiValueEditor(index, relation, this); connect(multivalueEditor, &MultiValueEditor::signalFinished, [=](){ m_projectTableModel->select(); }); multivalueEditor->open(); } //... }

    Hope this will help somebody.

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @aowoo said in How to access IO port in QT?:

    directly read and write to the I/O port

    AFAIK, It's impossible for Windows && Linux:

    On Windows you need in a special driver (It is not enough to use just some DLL's, because you need in a driver. Most likelly, that inpout32.dll has a pre-compiled driver in own resources and loads this driver in runtime).

    On Linux you need in a special permissions too.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Have you tryed axcontainer?
    Please try this. It this application works for you I can help you.

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    3 Posts

    Thanks for your reply.

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    4 Posts

    Hi and welcome to devnet,

    I haven't used ODBC actively but IIRC, you have to do some setup in order to access MSAccess databases through it (not unlike what you would have to do for a MySQL database) so basically you have to provide the .mdb file.