Qt6.2.4 Import QtWebengine Error: could not load library F:\qt6\6.2.4\msvc2019_64\qml\QtWebEngine\qtwebenginequickplugind.dll:ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND
I have alread installed the QtWebEngine and use MSVC2019-64bit to run.But it still happened when i use "import QtWebEngine 2.0".
I don't know how to set Qt6 to show the error in English.The error:
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:5:1: 无法加载库 F:\qt6\6.2.4\msvc2019_64\qml\QtWebEngine\qtwebenginequickplugind.dll:找不到指定的模块。
Finnaly,I solved the problem by install more component such as all the additinoal libraries 、Souce and Qt 5 Compatability Module etc.
Module QtWebengine has dependency relationship with other modules and doesn't declare in description which really confused me.And I still don't know what is the neccesary module should I install before I could use QtWebengine.