Qt related link collection
aha_1980 Lifetime Qt Championwrote on 22 Jul 2018, 11:02 last edited by aha_1980 10 Aug 2024, 07:25
Start of a Qt related link collection
Qt-Related Blogs
- Woboq's
- KDAB's
- Ekke's Corner
- Qt Mobile Slack channel
- Planet Qt blog post collection
- Qt Resource Center
- Crash course in Qt for C++ developers
Qt-Related Video-Resources
- Qt on YouTube
- KDAB on YouTube
- Voidrealms YouTube/Udemy
- LearnQtGuide Youtube/Udemy
Mailing lists
- Interest mailing list (Developers who use Qt)
- Development mailing list (Developers of Qt)
- QtCreator mailing list
- QTBUG (Bugreports for Qt) - Recent activity
- QTCREATORBUG (Bugreports for QtCreator) - Recent activity
Qt development
- Gerrit introduction
- Setting up Gerrit
- Coding Conventions
- Coding Style
- Code review
- Code repositories
- KDAB's (was Woboq's) Qt browser
- KDAB's clazy results for: Qt 5, QtCreator
Special topics
- Signals&Slots - New connect syntax - qOverload
- Debugging Creators Clang Code Model
- Porting from Qt 1.0 to 5.11
- How to really truely use QThreads
- You were (Threads) not doing it so wrong
[Pinned ~kshegunov]
This post is deleted!
Hi all,
If you have more link suggestions, please comment here. I'm glad to add them to the list.
@aha_1980 said in Qt related link collection:
Qt Mobile Slack channel
Is this one for "normal users" ? When I try to access it, I'm told that I need an E-Mail adress from one of these domains:
- v-play.net
- esri.com
- cutehacks.com
- tol.info
- geographics.it
- develer.com
- theqtcompany.com
- gcompris.net
- qt.io
- kdab.com
to create an account, and without an account you cant access the side. As far as I know at least.
Blog post collection: http://planet.qt.io
Qt Resource Center: http://resources.qt.io -
This is old but helped me a lot :
QML tricks and treats by Vladimir Moolle
https://www.kdab.com/wp-content/uploads/stories/slides/DD13/qml-tricks-and-treats-vladimir-moolle-ics-dd-2013-berlin.pdf -