Delete message after x seconds
Its foremost a compiler thing. (c++11)
and then Qt -
I just added an own QTimer to my program and removed the static signelshot. Now it looks like this: NOTHING happens. even after 30 sec there is still no output. Any ideas about that??
While i'm playing a bit around with the qtimer and an other problem i compile qt 5.6.1 for vs x64. Hopefully the singleshot works then.
This is wrong
connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(debugPrint("HUHU")));You CANNOT add parameters/values to the connect. HUHU is 100% wrong.
and please check the return value or use the new syntax.qDebug() <<" conn ok:" << connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(debugPrint()));
and debugPrint should not have any paramters
void OverlayController::debugPrint(
QString text)Please read the docs
its very important to understand how it works. -
connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(debugPrint("HUHU")));
I'm pretty sure you can't give a Slot a parameter like that. You don't get an error because the old syntax checks signal slots during run not compile time.
but in your console you should get an error warning when yiu start the programm concerning Signal/slot connection.
//have you tried it like this ? since its qt5+ that you're using QTimer::signleShot(100, this, [=]{qDebug() << " huhu";});
@J-Hilk please read the posts above. That causes a procedure error.
@mrjj You are right. without parameter works it just fine.
But i cannot use qDebug() since i don't have any console or something like that. My debugPrint(QString text) just writes to a new Label.
That way it works just the way it should. After 5 sec the chat lines are hide and if you write something it is displayed again :D
qt is still compiling, so when it's done i'm gonna test the singleshot -
Ok so you do not run program from Creator ? -
@mrjj No i write the code in Visual Studio and compile to .dll that comes to the plugin folder from TeamSpeak3 and TS will load it.
Oh, that way. so the qt code is inside your custom TS plugin.
"yeah the labels work fine."
As i understand it, you are already using the Qlabel classes or some other
part of Qt and only the QTimer gives errors? -
@mrjj yes that's right (did you look in my code??)
I just finished compiling qt 5.6.1 for x64 VS and now the singleshot works fine. So it need to be a problem of the newer version.
So now i have multiple ways to implement my chat disable function:
- with single shot and lambda to delete every single line after 5 sec
- the way it is right now, display the latest 5 lines and just hide them after 5 sec. when something is written again, it's shown again.
But that's a kind of Luxus problem, now that it is working. Now i have just 2 other big problems (label transparency, and stay always infront does nto work for games in fullscreen). When those are fixed i can start with the cosmetic :D
First i need to solve the main functionality. Maybe you can help me with the transparency problem, too.
Yes i did read code but didn't see the linker options so was just asking to understand the full extend.
About the label transparency.
Could you link an image ( external site) so its perhaps more clear the result you get.