How to include .txt on Qt
So i add the if :
if (pix.isNull()){ QPixmap pix(":/img/ballebleue.png"); };
Same error as before "QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap"
@Payx said in How to include .txt on Qt:
if (pix.isNull()){
QPixmap pix(":/img/ballebleue.png");
};Well that would not really change anything as you create a new local pix and its not related to the "pix" outside
You should find out if its invalid and then why it isif (pix.isNull()){
qDebug() << "yep its no good";
}; -
okay so i have that.
yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good QImage::pixel: coordinate (144,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (145,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (146,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (147,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (148,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (149,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (150,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (151,540) out of range yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good yep its no good QImage::pixel: coordinate (168,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (169,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (170,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (171,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (172,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (173,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (174,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (175,540) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (168,541) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (169,541) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (170,541) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (171,541) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (172,541) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (173,541) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (174,541) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (175,541) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (168,542) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (169,542) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (170,542) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (171,542) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (172,542) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (173,542) out of range QImage::pixel: coordinate (174,542) out of range
that's mean that my pix is null right?
Yes this means that the pictures in the table cannot be loaded.
Are they in a resource ? -
Yes i have that exactly :
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Payx on 7 Jan 2017, 18:11 last edited by mrjj 1 Jul 2017, 18:15
Oh, they are under IMGRight click one image file.
Find Get Path
should be something like:/IMG/
Fix the names in the table.
As far as i recall they start like ":/" and that dont match.Note: Here i do NOT have them in a sub folder like you have (img) so path is :/p1.png
QMap<QRgb, CostInfo > Costs = { { QColor(255 , 0 , 0 ).rgb(), { ":/img/fraise.png", 10 }}, { QColor(0 , 255 , 0 ).rgb(), { ":/img/balleverte.png", 20 }}, { QColor(0 , 0 , 255 ).rgb(), { ":/img/balebleue.png", 20 }}, { QColor(255 , 255 , 255 ).rgb(), { ":/img/balleblanche.png", 20 }}, { QColor(255 , 128 , 0 ).rgb(), { ":/img/ballepeche.png", 20 }}, { QColor(0 , 0 , 0 ).rgb(), { ":/img/noir.png", 20 }}, { QColor(102 , 51 , 0 ).rgb(), { ":/img/marron.png", 20 }}, { QColor(255 , 102 , 78 ).rgb(), { ":/img/rose.png", 20 }}, { QColor(0 , 204 , 204 ).rgb(), { ":/img/turquoise.png", 20 }}, { QColor(255 , 178 , 102 ).rgb(), { ":/img/beige.png", 20 }}, { QColor(76 , 0 , 153 ).rgb(), { ":/img/violet.png", 20 }}, { QColor(100 , 100 , 100 ).rgb(), { ":/img/gris.png", 20 }}, };
i didnt mention that but i had already changed the path
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Payx on 7 Jan 2017, 18:19 last edited by mrjj 1 Jul 2017, 18:19
oh, it seems correct. You checked they are truly correct?Please qDebug() << ci.ImageName to verify the variable contains the path from
the table.just above where you try to make pixmap
qDebug() << "check me--->" << ci.ImageName;
QPixmap pix( ci.ImageName ); -
I have
check me---> ""
so there is nothing
i declared as QString ImageName
so maybe it is that ? -
Not sure. check the code that look it up.
If from table it should not be empty :) -
Are you sure you are retrieving a valid value from your map ?
No it's sure that it's not a valid value !
QPixmap pix( ci.ImageName );
so it create a pix from a QString no ? that why it didnt work ?
From what you wrote before, ci.ImageName is empty, correct ?
If so, check the key that you use to retrieve the data from the map. If not part of the map, depending on the technique used, you will get a default constructed object.
Yes it's empty.
foreach( QRgb key, Costs.keys() ) { QColor BaseColor( key ); if (Costs.contains( colour.rgb() ) || IsCloseColor(BaseColor, colour) ) { CostInfo& ci = Costs[colour.rgb()]; QLabel abc; // int Cost = ci.Cost; qDebug() << "check me--->" << ci.ImageName; QPixmap pix( ci.ImageName ); if (pix.isNull()){ qDebug() << "yep its no good"; return; }; QPixmap scaledPix = pix.scaled( 8, 8, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); abc.setPixmap(scaledPix);;
it's what i have.
Your logic is flawed. If Costs contains
then you can go on with the rest of your logic else you should go through your map and useIsCloseColor
to determine which key is good. Then you can use that key to go further. -
So i have to separate the
colour.rgb() ) || IsCloseColor(BaseColor, colour)
can you tell me how can i got through my map i've already search and asked but no one answer
You're already doing it with your foreach loop and the documentation of QMap shows several ways of looping through its content.
something like that ?
foreach( QRgb key, Costs.keys() ) { QColor BaseColor( key ); if (Costs.contains( colour.rgb() )) { CostInfo& ci = Costs[colour.rgb()]; QLabel abc; // int Cost = ci.Cost; qDebug() << "check me--->" << ci.ImageName; QPixmap pix( ci.ImageName ); if (pix.isNull()){ qDebug() << "yep its no good"; return; }; QPixmap scaledPix = pix.scaled( 8, 8, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); abc.setPixmap(scaledPix);; } else { if (IsCloseColor(BaseColor, colour) == true){ CostInfo& ci = Costs[colour.rgb()]; QColor BaseColor( key ); QPixmap pix( ci.ImageName ); QPixmap scaledPix = pix.scaled( 8, 8, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); abc.setPixmap(scaledPix);; } else { qDebug() << "yep its no good"; } }
Move the foreach loop in the else part. There's no sense in looping through the whole map if it contains
. Also note that you won't see any QLabel since it's going out of scope. -
void Remplissage(QImage& image, const QPoint& topLeft, const QSize& rectangle, const QColor& colour) { int maxX = topLeft.x() + rectangle.width(); int maxY = topLeft.y() + rectangle.height(); for(int x = topLeft.x(); x < maxX; ++x) { for(int y = topLeft.y(); y < maxY; ++y) { image.setPixelColor(x, y, colour); QColor BaseColor( key ); if (Costs.contains( colour.rgb() )) { CostInfo& ci = Costs[colour.rgb()]; QLabel abc; // int Cost = ci.Cost; qDebug() << "check me--->" << ci.ImageName; QPixmap pix( ci.ImageName ); if (pix.isNull()){ qDebug() << "yep its no good"; return; }; QPixmap scaledPix = pix.scaled( 8, 8, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); abc.setPixmap(scaledPix);; } else { if (IsCloseColor(BaseColor, colour) == true){ foreach( QRgb key, Costs.keys() ) { CostInfo& ci = Costs[colour.rgb()]; QLabel abc; QColor BaseColor( key ); QPixmap pix( ci.ImageName ); QPixmap scaledPix = pix.scaled( 8, 8, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); abc.setPixmap(scaledPix);; } else { qDebug() << "yep its no good"; } }
i changed what u said