Showing rote data using OSM
QML and Qt Quick
I am trying to show a blue line between two points. I have followed examples given on youtube( . Map is visible. But route is not visible at all . I have tried different coordinates. Please check the code. TIA
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 import QtLocation 5.3 import QtPositioning 5.3 //silk board lat 12.917352466802262 long 77.62281109101559 //CMRIT bus stop lat 12.9677261 long 77.71430729999997 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 800 height: 600 title: qsTr("Hello World") color: "beige" Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent color: "gray" Plugin { id: mapPlugin preferred: "osm" // code here to choose the plugin as necessary } Map { id: map width: parent.width height: parent.height plugin: mapPlugin center { latitude: 12.9172 longitude: 77.6228 } MapQuickItem{ } MapItemView{ model:routeModel delegate: routeDelegate } Component{ id:routeDelegate MapRoute{ route:routeData line.color:"blue" line.width: 3 } } zoomLevel: map.maximumZoomLevel Keys.onPressed: { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Plus) { map.zoomLevel++ } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Minus) { map.zoomLevel-- } } gesture.flickDeceleration: 3000 gesture.enabled: true GeocodeModel{ plugin: mapPlugin } RouteModel{ id : routeModel plugin: map.plugin query: RouteQuery{ id:routeQ travelModes: RouteQuery.PublicTransitTravel } Component.onCompleted: { // routeQ.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(12.9172,77.6228)); // routeQ.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(12.9677261,77.6228)); routeQ.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(12.917352466802262,77.62281109101559)); routeQ.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(12.9677261,77.71430729999997)); update(); } } } Slider { id: sliderVertical1 x: 714 y: 187 width: 22 height: 202 z:map.z+1 orientation: Qt.Vertical minimumValue: map.minimumZoomLevel; maximumValue: map.maximumZoomLevel; value: maximumValue onValueChanged: { map.zoomLevel=value } } } GroupBox { id: groupBox1 x: 49 y: 90 width: 166 height: 118 title: qsTr("Settings") ComboBox { id: comboBox1 x: 0 y: 5 width: 82 model:ListModel{ ListElement { text: "SilkBoard to Agara"; color: "Yellow" } ListElement { text: "SilkBoard to BTM"; color: "Green" } ListElement { text: "SilkBoard to Bomasandra"; color: "Brown" } } } CheckBox { id: checkBox1 x: 0 y: 39 text: qsTr("Petrol Pump") } CheckBox { id: checkBox2 x: 0 y: 68 text: qsTr("Resturant") } } }
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