Segmentation fault SIGSEGV, what can it be?
Can you share your code ?
Where are you accessing
? Where is it allocated ? -
Sure, its only rather complex already and I don't really see how to strip it down as it involves communication with an external device...
The definition for the device pointer is in the mainwindow.h:
private: ... wbstlDevice *device; QByteArray tmpBuffer, rfPower4x1; QString fl7TextBuffer;
The instantiation is in the constructor for the mainwindow.cpp:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ... device = new wbstlDevice( this );
I use dynamic instantiation to allow the device having access back to the window via the pointer.
Then wbstlDevice is defined like this:
#ifndef WBSTLDEVICE_H #define WBSTLDEVICE_H #include <QObject> #include <QByteArray> #include <QString> class wbstlDevice { public: wbstlDevice( QObject *parent = 0 ); virtual ~wbstlDevice(); void reset(); bool convert2IdTo3Id( unsigned char devketId, unsigned char rfId ); bool isInitialized(); bool initDevice(); bool supportsFpSync(); bool supportsClockCorrection(); bool usesTestTone(); bool usesTestMode(); bool needsTestMode4TransmissionTest(); bool canUseTestTone(); virtual void addRFPower4X1( QByteArray data ); virtual unsigned int convertSvcCmdIdToCmdInt( unsigned int svcCmd ); virtual unsigned int getChannelFreqMHz( unsigned int channel ); virtual unsigned int rfPower4x1Length(); // returns length in indices! One index contains 6 bytes / 12 nibbles bool isRfPower4x1Valid(); QString convertSvcCmdIdToCmdStr( unsigned int svcCmd ); unsigned int convertCmdIdToSvcCmd( unsigned int rawCmd ); unsigned int convertCmdStrToSvcCmd( QString cmdStr ); QString getSWVersionStr(); void setSWVersion( QByteArray data ); char getAdaptivePower(); bool deviceNameChanged, serialIDChanged, autoLockChanged, pairingChanged, identifyChanged, walktestChanged, debugScreenChanged; bool initialized, testMode, validEEVersion, needsDectModeCorrection; char deviceId, marketId, rfId, devketId, fpSync; char swVersion[ 3 ]; QString errorString; int freqStart, freqStep, freqCount; wbstlDevice *currentDevice, *deviceSRX1G9, *deviceSRX2G4, *devicePRX1G9, *devicePTX1G9, *devicePTX2G4; QByteArray rfPower4x1; }; #endif // WBSTLDEVICE_H
As I said for simplification I do access the rfPower4x1 field directly (public). The method "isRfPower4x1Valid" is defined like this:
bool wbstlDevice::isRfPower4x1Valid() { bool ret = true; int idx1, idx2, sum, expLength; expLength = ( currentDevice->rfPower4x1Length() * WbstlConst::RF_POWER_4X1_INDEX_LENGTH ); if ( rfPower4x1.length() != expLength ) ret = false; idx1 = 0; while ( idx1 < expLength ) { sum = 0; for ( idx2 = 0; idx2 < WbstlConst::RF_POWER_4X1_INDEX_LENGTH; idx1++, idx2++ ) sum += idx1 ); if ( ( sum == 0x00 ) || ( sum == 0xFF ) ) ret = false; } return ret; }
And in the mainwindow is did like this:
device->rfPower4x1.clear(); device->rfPower4x1.append( data ); appendLog( ants::printHex( device->rfPower4x1 ) ); appendLog( QString( "%1" ).arg( device->rfPower4x1.length() ) ); if ( device->isRfPower4x1Valid() ) appendLog( "RF power 4x1: ok" ); else appendLog( QString( "RF power 4x1 contains some errors: %1" ).arg( ants::printHex( data ) ) );
Even rfPower4x1 is statically instantiated, I get the SIGSEGV only when I clear the array... any more ideas?
Stephan -
"I use dynamic instantiation to allow the device having access back to the window via the pointer" - no need for dynamic allocation. Do:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), wbstlDevice( this ) {}
In general, Device should not know anything about MainWindow - else it is bad design. If you need to communicate from Device to MainWindow you should emit signals in Device which MainWindow connects to own slots. This way Device does not care about MainWindow implementation (if you change something in MainWindow you do not have to change Device).
@jsulm Ok, I am aware that there is some redesign suitable. Also with respect to the device and the sub-class structure. But does this helps us with regard to the segmentation fault? I was planning to do that in a refactoring session some time down the line, but if you think that it is essential for the function I would have to reschedule...?
You could try to change wbstlDevice to an instance variable instead of pointer and see whether is still crashes.
@jsulm I have made it an object member instead of a pointer now. Did the same to the "device" object which was a pointer before but which - I think - doesn't have much to do with it.
Anyway, both did not show any effect. I also added some initial data to the QByteArray in the constructor - this data is still there (the debugger shows it) when I want to add more data. Even, now I only add one more static byte - just to try it. Still I receive the segmentation fault...
No more ideas, anyone else?
@Gerd Well, the object "device" is basically used everywhere in the mainwindow class as it holds some information used in a lot of cases. For the specific method I do call a slot using a signal, then its a method of the mainwindow and that has direct access to "device". As this holds the QByteArray I can access it without any (compiler) problems, but I get the segmentation fault...
Hi, me again...
I have run a quick test... removed the line of
device.rfPower4x1.append( 0x74 );
device.appendRfPower4x1( 0x74 );
Now, obviously I had to introduce this method like this:
void wbstlDevice::appendRfPower4x1(char data) { rfPower4x1.append( data ); }
The result is, that I still get a segmentation fault but this occurs actually a few lines further down - things that were working fine before??? I feels to me like there is some issue with thread safety, threads in general I am not completely aware off. Does that ring a bell for anyone?
Stephan -
Could it be a problem in general, that I use "device" as a member variable of the "mainwindow" after I have connected one method of "mainwindow" to another? Now I tried both, to use "device" as a member variable and as an argument that I have transferred via the emit call. So there is multithreading coming into place, is there anything behind I haven't considered yet?
@Gerd Right, I still had this on my list to try it out... I have now changed the "connect" to this:
connect( this, SIGNAL( rcvProdTestFromCOM( QString, QByteArray ) ), this, SLOT( rcvProdTestFromCOMSlot( QString, QByteArray ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
From my perspective that's all I have to do to make it queued, right? Nothing else to change in the definitions for signals or slots?
Tried this out: Same effect, still get a segmentation fault... :-(
Can somebody confirm if there is any issue behind I may have overseen when using the SAME object in the code BEFORE calling EMIT and in the code of the SLOT?
Stephan -
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