[Solved] Pi2 QT5.4.1 - STD errors + Configure errors?
I have been following this tutorial on how to compile QT5.4.1 on a Raspberry Pi 2. I have done this in the past for 5.3.2 and all has gone well before. The project I am working on now requires 5.4.1 minimally, so it was time to do the long compile again.
Upon getting everything set up using an Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) image, I noticed some issues from the tutorial, despite it being only a few months old. For starters, I had to change libxcb-sync0 to libxcb-sync1, along with libxcb-sync0-dev to libxcb-sync-dev. No big deal, I had to do that with 5.3.2 before.
Upon running configure, this is where things started to go wrong. I have a pastebin of the output, but it seemed to have issues getting qmake properly set up. I wasn't sure if this was just how it determined what was available or not so I just left it be, but I didn't remember seeing such a mess when dealing with 5.3.2's configure.
Upon running make, this is where things went south with an error that was supposedly fixed. The error is as follows:
usr/include/c++/4.8/bits/stl_relops.:67: Parse error at "std" make[3]: *** [.moc/moc_qabstractanimation.cpp] Error 1
From what I looked up, it was just an error in one of the releases for 5.4.1, but I could be wrong. Between the qmake build issues and the odd std issue, I'm at a loss on what is really going on, and would rather consult the forums before I go poking around the code to attempt to fix it myself. Unfortunately, I ran the make command twice, so my prior log got overwritten.
My only criteria is that I am using at least 5.4.1 or newer, so if this kind of issue was resolved in a later build or version, and it has been known to compile on the Pi2 without too many issues, I am all for it. I do need QtWebkit and other multimedia extensions, but those I can work out after I have at least the base working. If someone could help me out in working out the issues here, that would be greatly appreciated.
Solved. Just started compiling 5.4.2 and just small issues that are easier to resolve.