How to realize the function of fade the "HintText" automatically in my Qml project?
Well,I want to realize this function.There is a search box,which accepts user's textinput.When there is no input(in other words,TextInput's "text" is null string ""),the hint-text is visible ; when user types one character or more,the hint-text is invisible.I want to use signal&slot to realize it ,but I don't know how to emit the signal.
The code:import QtQuick 2.2 Rectangle{ width: 300;height:50 color:"#787878" Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 5 radius: 5 Text{ id:hintHere text:"Here is Hint" font.pixelSize: 22 color:"lightgray" anchors{ left:parent.left leftMargin: 5 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } visible:true } TextInput{ id:input signal thereIsAtLeastOneChar //monitor if user has input some character(s) signal thereIsZeroChar //monitor if user has not input any character focus:true font.pixelSize: 22 anchors{ fill:parent left:parent.left leftMargin: 5 } verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter onThereIsAtLeastOneChar: hintHere.visible=false //if user has input some character(s) ,hint text should fade onThereIsZeroChar: hintHere.visible=true //if user has not input any character,hint text should appear } } }