@Giridhar Two comments- QT examples are as received
from some comments on forum " very basic ".
That is OK , but lack of function description , lack of description of passed parameters to the function,
and overall lack of "comments" eliminates "examples" as a learning resource.
( as a poorest example - error processing in non existent in examples -
I have been told "it is not basic " to process errors )
Same goes for using forum as a learning resource.
The forum unadvertised purpose is to resolve coding issues.
There are some very knowledgeable contributors doing so, but they are a minority.
So far I have not found many technical forums as a beneficial learning resource - most
"how do I ..." receive reply "Google it ".
As far as "doing a survey " - that is your choice to "get up the speed " in your job ,
I would suggest to skim the forum, it may also help.
Good luck