OK. I have successfully launched app from QtCreator. Previously I had used QtCreator with simulator and that ended with following error:
Info: Sending request: Launch
Info: Action: Launch
Info: Launching lt.sandbox.todoteriaplus.testDev_doteriaplus50989c0_...
Error: Failed to create application process: Exec format error
Launching application failed
This error indicated that I must change sysroot to armle-v7 and remove Qt mkspec I have used in this dialog (screenshot shamelessly taken from http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-Creator-with-BlackBerry-10 ):
After that everything just went through.
My advice for you would be to run sample app http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-Creator-with-BlackBerry-10#9502a243840645c318c087ca6b94d95d . It is quite simple and should you give basic idea how to run simple Qml app.
If you still have questions - ask. I will be happy to help.