[Solved] Error creating the package
A few hours from the deadline for submitting my app, my project is now ready to rock and .... I am stuck :(
From "here ":http://developer.blackberry.com/native/documentation/bb10/qt_package_deploy.html I trying to creat a package, I copy the file.bar and bar-descriptor.xml to host..../bin directory, for simplicity, and got an error:@joao@joao-EasyNote-TM86:~/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/linux/x86/usr/bin$ ./blackberry-nativepackager -package MathGraphica.bar bar-descriptor.xml
Error: Invalid asset path "MathGraphica"@here's my bar-descriptor.xml:
@<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no'?>
<qnx >
<description>Advanced scientific calculator with 3D graphs</description>
<publisher>Joao de Deus</publisher>
<copyright>COPYRIGHT 2013</copyright>
<env value="app/native/imports" var="QML_IMPORT_PATH"/>
<env value="app/native/plugins:/usr/lib/qt4/plugins" var="QT_PLUGIN_PATH"/>
<env value="app/native/lib:/usr/lib/qt4/lib/" var="LD_LIBRARY_PATH"/>
<action system="true">run_native</action>
<!-- PROJECTPATH should point to the project binary, path can be relative -->
<asset type="Qnx/Elf" path="MathGraphica" entry="true">PROJECTNAME</asset>
<asset path="/home/joao/qtBlackBerryProjects/MathGraphicaOpenGL/images/calculadora.png">calculadora.png</asset>
</qnx>@Calling for help to some nice souls here in forum before I turn panic mode on :)
The line:
<asset type=“Qnx/Elf” path=“MathGraphica” entry=“true”>MathGraphica</asset>
refers to your app executable. You're telling the packager there is a file named MathGraphica in the current directory (~/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/linux/x86/usr/bin) which is used to launch the app. I doubt you compiled the app in this bbndk directory, so "cd" to where your compiled executable is, copy the bar-descriptor.xml file there, and re-run the same command. -
I got it working like you said.
@joao@joao-EasyNote-TM86:~/qtBlackBerryProjects/MathGraphicaOpenGL-build-Blackberry-Release$ ./../../bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-nativepackager -package MathGraphica.bar bar-descriptor.xml@
Thank you very much.