I don't think this is directly possible. You could try to use QWidget::createWindowContainer to start a browser and capture its full window. Some smart event filtering could then resize and move the captured window together with your own main window.
Hey, that sounds awsome! Could you explain which files you edited or even share your files for Qt 5.15.2 ?
Sorry, I´m just a user of 3D Software and would really enjoy working with the spacemouse in my Qt apps.
Hello, @orsini29 I am encountering the same issue and I am lost as well. I have read everything that has been suggested but I am still not sure how to concretely implement stmp into my project. Could you be more specific on how you have manage to do it please ? It would be a great help to me, thanks :)
If you look at qwt oscilloscope example the curve data is updated in another thread than GUI.
I do the same. I update only the curve data and guard it with mutexes. In replot the data is locked. But I guess this must be the reason so I'll try to come up with a small compilable example to show the error.
According to Qt documentation you can integrate your qml in UE: