AFAIK, there's no direct function which can detect it.
There's a simple way, use the "currentCellChanged":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/qtablewidget.html#currentCellChanged signal and check if the focus is currently at the last item.
For e.g
void MainWindow::on_tableWidget_currentCellChanged(int currentRow, int currentColumn, int previousRow, int previousColumn)
qDebug() << currentRow << currentColumn;
if(currentRow==ui->tableWidget->rowCount()-1 && currentColumn==ui->tableWidget->columnCount()-1)
qDebug() << "End of table reached";
For this you need to connect currentCellChanged signal to the slot on_tableWidget_currentCellChanged(int currentRow, int currentColumn, int previousRow, int previousColumn)