How to share database connection parameters between multiple QSqlTableModel objects?
When creating a QSqlTableModel object, it asks for a QSqlDatabase parameter in the constructor. If none is given, it goes with a default QSqlDatabase() instance.
However, suppose that I have created model classes that inherit from QSqlTableModel. I create their respective objects in C++ upon application startup, after configuring my first database connection:
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QPSQL"); db.setHostName("my-db-hostname"); ModelA model(&app, db); ModelB model(&app, db); ModelC model(&app, db);
Then, in my QML files, the user can click a button that will callback to C++ to change the database connection parameters. For example, the callback code could contain:
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(); db.setHostName("new-hostname");
By using the QSqlDatabase::addDatabase() and QSqlDatabase::database() logic, I would expect that a call to addDatabase would change the connection parameters of all my models, but it doesn't seem to work that way. If I do another call to addDatabase after the application has started up (e.g. when clicking a "Connect" button in QML), my models continue to point to their initial database parameters.
How can I have my models update their database connection parameters on demand? Do they need to share pointers? Do I need to recreate all the models every time? If I recreate them, will my QML bindings survive? What would the mainstream way of doing this kind of dynamic database configuration?
From the top of my head, I would have a controller class that you connect the QML on and that will re-create the models on the fly and use a signal to notify the QML side that something has changed and they should reload. Some sort of model of models.
@SGaist cool! But let me know if I'm overcomplicating things. I'm wondering if it's a good idea to keep model instances around for a long time, like I'm doing. Maybe I should try to make them more "stateless" and create models on the fly as needed.
It depends on how your application should work.
How many models are you expecting to use ?
What are the main difference between them ?
How are you using them ? -
@SGaist I have 3 or 4 models. The user must be able to dynamically change the database connection parameters via a Settings screen. I've asked this question because I couldn't dynamically update my models' connection parameters.
From the looks of it, you have to re-create the models when you change these settings.