Unable to fetch complete data using [ int serialDataAvail (int fd)]
I am using wiring-pi library for interfacing MODEM with raspberry pi using Qt Creator tool via serial interface I have mentioned the code for kind reference :
QString a=0; QString Received_response=0; while(1) { if(serialDataAvail(fd)) { a=serialGetchar(fd); Received_response.append(a); } else break; }
I am only able to fetch a maximum of 75 bytes only from modem whereas I need to fetch more bytes
Is there any limitation of data fetching using int serialGetchar (int fd) ?
Is there any other method/ function to fetch data byte by byte ?
Please rephrase your topic title, so it gives a short summary of your problem. Right now it's impossible to understand your problem.
And PS: avoid writing in UPPPERCASE letters, it is considered screaming.
@aha_1980 topic title edited as above
Short summary of my problem-
Task : I am interfacing Modem with Qt Creator via serial communication.
I am using wiring pi library for serial communication
Problem Encountered - When I am downloading bulk data from modem I am only able to download a maximum of 84 bytes data.
The method adopted has already been mentioned above.
Is there any other method of serial communication? -
Modem Specifications : Serial modem
Specified modem Command in which problem Encountered :
"AT+QFREAD= filehandle, file size \r"Problem encountered- I am able to download only 84 bytes from modem, although data available on modem RAM is much more!
@SHUBHAM-SINGH-RAO said in Unable to fetch complete data using [ int serialDataAvail (int fd)]:
I am using wiring pi library for serial communication
Well, this is a Qt forum, only few people will know about wiring pi here. You should get better answers in a Raspberry/Wiring Pi forum.
That said, why don't you use QtSerialPort?