qmake error with project files on samba share
after a few years i'm back to qt, but i have problems to build my simple window application.
qmake have problems with my environment.the error message:
"E:\Entwicklungsumgebung\Qt\Qt5.12.0\5.12.0\mingw73_64\bin\qmake.exe" H:\Documents\untitled\untitled.pro -spec win32-g++ "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"
ASSERT: "fileName.isEmpty() || isAbsolutePath(fileName)" in file C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtbase/qmake/library/ioutils.cpp, line 53the environment:
Windows 10 Pro with Roaming-Profiles.
I have a samba 4 AD server to share my files between all my computers.
All projectfiles are on a roaming network share, represent as user document folder but located on //$servername/home/$username/documents, hooked to H:\Documents
The qt environment is located on a seperate HDD.Because qmake can't use a networkshare for building the project, i hooked the share on the drive letter H:.
But now qmake can't find C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtbase/qmake/library/ioutils.cpp, the directory don't exist, but where get he the path from.Thanks in advance
Sascha -
Hi @smhrambo,
The qt environment is located on a seperate HDD.
How did you install it there? Note that the installer patches
and therefore you cannot relocate the installation.Regards
Problem solved.
Yes i installed the QT enviroment to the seperate HDD at E:\Entwicklungsumgebung\Qt, with the qt installer
I had to create a new project, an locate it in H:\Documents.
The project created in //$servername did not work, even if I accessed it via H:.
Even a copy on E:\ did not work.I do not know why.
@smhrambo deleting the
file often helps when you do such moves...