Align QPainterPath
General and Desktop
Hi there.
Problem is: outline (stroke) text into qlabel.Reimplementing paintEvent for this
::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { QPainter painter (this); QPainterPath path; painter.setPen(Qt::green); painter.setBrush(palette().windowText()); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setFont(font()); QRectF bounds; painter.drawText(contentsRect(), alignment(), text(), &bounds); // path.addText(bounds.topLeft(), font(), text()); path.addText(56, 260, font(), text()); painter.strokePath(path, QPen(QColor(255, 0, 0, 255), 2)); }
So main problem is calculate aligns for path.addText. I'm try to found solution inside of QPainter, but drawText function looks too hard for understanding.
bounds rect also not informative, cause it contains some unknown digits...
How can i calculate Bottom left point of text? (or any other solution for text outlining except drawing text with bigger size :)
I write this method for drawing, looks good{ QLabel::paintEvent(event); QPainter painter (this); painter.setPen(Qt::green); painter.setBrush(palette().windowText()); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::TextAntialiasing); painter.setFont(font()); QRect font_rect = painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect(text()); QRect label_rect = contentsRect(); label_rect.adjust(margin(), margin(), -margin(), -margin()); int dx = label_rect.width() - font_rect.width(); int dy = label_rect.height() - font_rect.height(); int x = 0; int y = 0; if (alignment() & Qt::AlignLeft) x = label_rect.left(); else if (alignment() & Qt::AlignHCenter) x = label_rect.left() + dx / 2; else if (alignment() & Qt::AlignRight) x = label_rect.right() - font_rect.width(); if (alignment() & Qt::AlignTop) y = + font_rect.height(); else if (alignment() & Qt::AlignVCenter) y = + dy / 2; else if (alignment() & Qt::AlignBottom) y = label_rect.bottom(); QPainterPath path; path.addText(x, y, font(), text()); painter.fillPath(path, palette().windowText()); painter.strokePath(path, QPen(QColor(255, 0, 0, 50), 2)); }
But i still dont understand the difference btw native paint event and my own