qDebug overload, return non const function?
I'm trying to overload qDebug but I struggle to solve some of the things. The qDebug () friend class is located in base class, and then I wish to output data via virtual function to get the inherited data output... In any case here is the test :
virtual QDebug getDebugData(QDebug stream){ // if I add )const{ then the error1 below goes away but I get new error2 stream <<"inherited data?"; return stream; } friend QDebug operator<<(QDebug stream, const testObject &object) { stream << object.getDebugData(stream); // error1 function is not marked const. // error2 if above is const then this flags as "Invalid operands to binary expression ('QDebug' to 'QDebug') stream <<"this Is base class"; return stream; }
I kinda get the issue with const but I dont. I struggle with them lately. Would any1 mind helping me out with this?
Your getDebugData() should return a QString and should be marked as const since you're working on a const object inside operator<<()
Awesome thanks! That worked :- )
But I run in to a wall, the virtual QString getDebugData never actually calls the upper inherited classes getDebugData function. I just end up with base class debug even tho I debug()<<inheritedObject; Any hints as to why that would not work?
@Dariusz said in qDebug overload, return non const function?:
the virtual QString getDebugData never actually calls the upper inherited classes getDebugData
I don't understand - what do you mean here? I don't see that you call the base class implementation in this function anywhere so how should it be called?