Reinstall Qt5 with QtMultimedia using Ubuntu Mate
i want to deinstall Qt5 i installed from source and then install it again with the modules QtCore, QtWidgets,QtMultimedia and QtMultimediaWidgets.
I know how to unpack and install but i dont know the specific commands to install extra modules and also to deinstall.Thanks for your help
When building an extra module:
qmake make make install
When uninstalling:
make uninstall
What kind of command do you have in mind ?
I usually build additional modules out of source so I have the mkdir and cd commands in addition but that's pretty much all.
@SGaist yeah how do you do that? if i just use make and make install it wont install everything/the things i need.
If i use :
qmake make make install
you install a normal qt5 base installation without any extra modules. QtMultimedia is not in the base installation, right? So i need a extra command to install it. Which one do i have to use
This is the ./configure output:
Configure summary: Build type: linux-g++ (arm, CPU features: <none>) Configuration: use_gold_linker compile_examples enable_new_dtags largefile precompile_header shared rpath release c++11 c++14 c++1z concurrent dbus reduce_exports stl Build options: Mode ................................... release Optimize release build for size ........ no Building shared libraries .............. yes Using C++ standard ..................... C++1z Using ccache ........................... no Using gold linker ...................... yes Using new DTAGS ........................ yes Using precompiled headers .............. yes Using LTCG ............................. no Target compiler supports: NEON ................................. no Build parts ............................ libs examples tools Qt modules and options: Qt Concurrent .......................... yes Qt D-Bus ............................... yes Qt D-Bus directly linked to libdbus .... no Qt Gui ................................. yes Qt Network ............................. yes Qt Sql ................................. yes Qt Testlib ............................. yes Qt Widgets ............................. yes Qt Xml ................................. yes Support enabled for: Using pkg-config ....................... yes QML debugging .......................... yes udev ................................... no Using system zlib ...................... yes Qt Core: DoubleConversion ....................... yes Using system DoubleConversion ........ no GLib ................................... no iconv .................................. yes ICU .................................... no Logging backends: journald ............................. no syslog ............................... no slog2 ................................ no Using system PCRE2 ..................... no Qt Network: getaddrinfo() .......................... yes getifaddrs() ........................... yes IPv6 ifname ............................ yes libproxy ............................... no OpenSSL ................................ no Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no SCTP ................................... no Use system proxies ..................... yes Qt Gui: Accessibility .......................... yes FreeType ............................... yes Using system FreeType ................ no HarfBuzz ............................... yes Using system HarfBuzz ................ no Fontconfig ............................. no Image formats: GIF .................................. yes ICO .................................. yes JPEG ................................. yes Using system libjpeg ............... no PNG .................................. yes Using system libpng ................ no EGL .................................... yes OpenVG ................................. no OpenGL: Desktop OpenGL ....................... yes OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ no OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ no OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ no Session Management ..................... yes Features used by QPA backends: evdev .................................. yes libinput ............................... no INTEGRITY HID .......................... no mtdev .................................. no tslib .................................. no xkbcommon-evdev ........................ yes QPA backends: DirectFB ............................... no EGLFS .................................. yes EGLFS details: EGLFS i.Mx6 .......................... no EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland .................. no EGLFS EGLDevice ...................... yes EGLFS GBM ............................ no EGLFS Mali ........................... no EGLFS Raspberry Pi ................... no EGL on X11 ........................... yes LinuxFB ................................ yes VNC .................................... yes Mir client ............................. no X11: Using system-provided XCB libraries .. no EGL on X11 ........................... yes Xinput2 .............................. no XCB XKB .............................. yes XLib ................................. yes XCB render ........................... yes XCB GLX .............................. yes XCB Xlib ............................. yes Using system-provided xkbcommon ...... no Qt Widgets: GTK+ ................................... no Styles ................................. Fusion Windows Qt PrintSupport: CUPS ................................... no Qt Sql: DB2 (IBM) .............................. no InterBase .............................. no MySql .................................. no OCI (Oracle) ........................... no ODBC ................................... no PostgreSQL ............................. no SQLite2 ................................ no SQLite ................................. yes Using system provided SQLite ......... no TDS (Sybase) ........................... no Qt SerialBus: Socket CAN ............................. yes Socket CAN FD .......................... yes QtXmlPatterns: XML schema support ..................... yes Qt QML: QML interpreter ........................ yes QML network support .................... yes Qt Quick: Direct3D 12 ............................ no AnimatedImage item ..................... yes Canvas item ............................ yes Support for Qt Quick Designer .......... yes Flipable item .......................... yes GridView item .......................... yes ListView item .......................... yes Path support ........................... yes PathView item .......................... yes Positioner items ....................... yes ShaderEffect item ...................... yes Sprite item ............................ yes Qt Gamepad: SDL2 ................................... no Qt 3D: Assimp ................................. yes System Assimp .......................... no Output Qt3D Job traces ................. no Output Qt3D GL traces .................. no Qt 3D GeometryLoaders: Autodesk FBX ........................... no Qt Wayland Drivers: EGL .................................... yes Raspberry Pi ........................... no XComposite EGL ......................... no XComposite GLX ......................... no DRM EGL ................................ yes libhybris EGL .......................... no Qt Wayland Client ........................ yes Qt Wayland Compositor .................... yes Qt Bluetooth: BlueZ .................................. no BlueZ Low Energy ....................... no Linux Crypto API ....................... no Qt Sensors: sensorfw ............................... no Qt Quick Controls 2: Styles ................................. Default Material Universal Qt Quick Templates 2: Hover support .......................... yes Multi-touch support .................... yes Qt Positioning: Gypsy GPS Daemon ....................... no WinRT Geolocation API .................. no Qt Location: Geoservice plugins: OpenStreetMap ........................ yes HERE ................................. yes Esri ................................. yes Mapbox ............................... yes MapboxGL ............................. yes Itemsoverlay ......................... yes Qt Multimedia: ALSA ................................... no GStreamer 1.0 .......................... no GStreamer 0.10 ......................... no Video for Linux ........................ yes OpenAL ................................. no PulseAudio ............................. no Resource Policy (libresourceqt5) ....... no Windows Audio Services ................. no DirectShow ............................. no Windows Media Foundation ............... no Qt WebEngine: Embedded build ......................... no Pepper Plugins ......................... yes Printing and PDF ....................... yes Proprietary Codecs ..................... no Spellchecker ........................... yes WebRTC ................................. yes Using system ninja ..................... no ALSA ................................... no PulseAudio ............................. no System libraries: re2 .................................. no ICU .................................. no libwebp and libwebpdemux ............. no Opus ................................. no ffmpeg ............................... no
QtMultimedia = no, also PulseAudio = no. How can i change that? Also what is Qt Wayland drivers. There is Raspberry Pi = no
You don't have any of the QtMultimedia dependencies installed. You need to install the dev-packages corresponding to the features you want. Most likely the GStreamer 1.0 dev packages (main library and plugins).
I looked through all the features and i cant find anything that i would want to have installed. Cant i install whole modules and not only features?abstractbutton .......... Widgets: Abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons. abstractslider .......... Widgets: Common super class for widgets like QScrollBar, QSlider and QDial. accessibility ........... Utilities: Provides accessibility support. action .................. Kernel: Provides widget actions. animation ............... Utilities: Provides a framework for animations. appstore-compliant ...... Disables code that is not allowed in platform app stores bearermanagement ........ Networking: Provides bearer management for the network stack. big_codecs .............. Internationalization: Supports big codecs, e.g. CJK. buttongroup ............. Widgets: Supports organizing groups of button widgets. calendarwidget .......... Widgets: Provides a monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date. checkbox ................ Widgets: Provides a checkbox with a text label. clipboard ............... Kernel: Provides cut and paste operations. codecs .................. Internationalization: Supports non-unicode text conversions. colordialog ............. Dialogs: Provides a dialog widget for specifying colors. colornames .............. Painting: Supports color names such as "red", used by QColor and by some HTML documents. columnview .............. ItemViews: Provides a model/view implementation of a column view. combobox ................ Widgets: Provides drop-down boxes presenting a list of options to the user. commandlineparser ....... Utilities: Provides support for command line parsing. commandlinkbutton ....... Widgets: Provides a Vista style command link button. completer ............... Utilities: Provides completions based on an item model. concurrent .............. Kernel: Provides a high-level multi-threading API. contextmenu ............. Widgets: Adds pop-up menus on right mouse click to numerous widgets. cssparser ............... Kernel: Provides a parser for Cascading Style Sheets. cups .................... Painting: Provides support for the Common Unix Printing System. cursor .................. Kernel: Provides mouse cursors. d3d12 ................... Qt Quick: Provides a Direct3D 12 backend for the scenegraph. datawidgetmapper ........ ItemViews: Provides mapping between a section of a data model to widgets. datestring .............. Data structures: Provides convertion between dates and strings. datetimeedit ............ Widgets: Supports editing dates and times. datetimeparser .......... Utilities: Provides support for parsing date-time texts. desktopservices ......... Utilities: Provides methods for accessing common desktop services. dial .................... Widgets: Provides a rounded range control, e.g., like a speedometer. dialog .................. Dialogs: Base class of dialog windows. dialogbuttonbox ......... Dialogs: Presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate for the current widget style. dirmodel ................ ItemViews: Provides a data model for the local filesystem. dockwidget .............. Widgets: Supports docking widgets inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop. dom ..................... File I/O: Supports the Document Object Model. draganddrop ............. Kernel: Supports the drag and drop mechansim. effects ................. Kernel: Provides special widget effects (e.g. fading and scrolling). embedded ................ WebEngine: Enables the embedded build configuration. errormessage ............ Dialogs: Provides an error message display dialog. filedialog .............. Dialogs: Provides a dialog widget for selecting files or directories. filesystemiterator ...... File I/O: Provides fast file system iteration. filesystemmodel ......... File I/O: Provides a data model for the local filesystem. filesystemwatcher ....... File I/O: Provides an interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications. fontcombobox ............ Widgets: Provides a combobox that lets the user select a font family. fontdialog .............. Dialogs: Provides a dialog widget for selecting fonts. formlayout .............. Widgets: Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels. freetype ................ Fonts: Supports the FreeType 2 font engine (and its supported font formats). fscompleter ............. Utilities: Provides file name completion in QFileDialog. ftp ..................... Networking: Provides support for the File Transfer Protocol in QNetworkAccessManager. geoservices_esri ........ Location: Provides access to Esri geoservices geoservices_here ........ Location: Provides access to HERE geoservices geoservices_itemsoverlay . Location: Provides access to the itemsoverlay maps geoservices_mapbox ...... Location: Provides access to Mapbox geoservices geoservices_mapboxgl .... Location: Provides access to the Mapbox vector maps geoservices_osm ......... Location: Provides access to OpenStreetMap geoservices gestures ................ Utilities: Provides a framework for gestures. graphicseffect .......... Widgets: Provides various graphics effects. graphicsview ............ Widgets: Provides a canvas/sprite framework. groupbox ................ Widgets: Provides widget grouping boxes with frames. highdpiscaling .......... Kernel: Provides automatic scaling of DPI-unaware applications on high-DPI displays. http .................... Networking: Provides support for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol in QNetworkAccessManager. iconv ................... Internationalization: Provides internationalization on Unix. identityproxymodel ...... ItemViews: Supports proxying a source model unmodified. im ...................... Kernel: Provides complex input methods. image_heuristic_mask .... Images: Supports creating a 1-bpp heuristic mask for images. image_text .............. Images: Supports image file text strings. imageformat_bmp ......... Images: Supports Microsoft's Bitmap image file format. imageformat_jpeg ........ Images: Supports the Joint Photographic Experts Group image file format. imageformat_png ......... Images: Supports the Portable Network Graphics image file format. imageformat_ppm ......... Images: Supports the Portable Pixmap image file format. imageformat_xbm ......... Images: Supports the X11 Bitmap image file format. imageformat_xpm ......... Images: Supports the X11 Pixmap image file format. imageformatplugin ....... Images: Provides a base for writing a image format plugins. inputdialog ............. Dialogs: Provides a simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user. itemmodel ............... ItemViews: Provides the item model for item views itemviews ............... ItemViews: Provides the model/view architecture managing the relationship between data and the way it is presented to the user. keysequenceedit ......... Widgets: Provides a widget for editing QKeySequences. label ................... Widgets: Provides a text or image display. lcdnumber ............... Widgets: Provides LCD-like digits. library ................. File I/O: Provides a wrapper for dynamically loaded libraries. lineedit ................ Widgets: Provides single-line edits. listview ................ ItemViews: Provides a list or icon view onto a model. listwidget .............. Widgets: Provides item-based list widgets. localserver ............. Networking: Provides a local socket based server. mainwindow .............. Widgets: Provides main application windows. mdiarea ................. Widgets: Provides an area in which MDI windows are displayed. menu .................... Widgets: Provides popup-menus. menubar ................. Widgets: Provides pull-down menu items. messagebox .............. Dialogs: Provides message boxes displaying informative messages and simple questions. mimetype ................ Utilities: Provides MIME type handling. movie ................... Images: Supports animated images. networkdiskcache ........ Networking: Provides a disk cache for network resources. networkinterface ........ Networking: Supports enumerating a host's IP addresses and network interfaces. networkproxy ............ Networking: Provides network proxy support. paint_debug ............. Painting: Enabled debugging painting with the environment variables QT_FLUSH_UPDATE and QT_FLUSH_PAINT. pdf ..................... Painting: Provides a PDF backend for QPainter. pepper-plugins .......... WebEngine: Enables use of Pepper Flash and Widevine plugins. picture ................. Painting: Supports recording and replaying QPainter commands. printdialog ............. Dialogs: Provides a dialog widget for specifying printer configuration. printer ................. Painting: Provides a printer backend of QPainter. printing-and-pdf ........ WebEngine: Provides printing and output to PDF. printpreviewdialog ...... Dialogs: Provides a dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output. printpreviewwidget ...... Widgets: Provides a widget for previewing page layouts for printer output. process ................. File I/O: Supports external process invocation. processenvironment ...... File I/O: Provides a higher-level abstraction of environment variables. progressbar ............. Widgets: Supports presentation of operation progress. progressdialog .......... Dialogs: Provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation. properties .............. Kernel: Supports scripting Qt-based applications. proprietary-codecs ...... WebEngine: Enables the use of proprietary codecs such as h.264/h.265 and MP3. proxymodel .............. ItemViews: Supports processing of data passed between another model and a view. pushbutton .............. Widgets: Provides a command button. qml-interpreter ......... QML: Provides the QML interpreter. qml-network ............. QML: Provides network transparency. qml-profiler ............ QML: Supports retrieving QML tracing data from an application. quick-animatedimage ..... Qt Quick: Provides the AnimatedImage item. quick-canvas ............ Qt Quick: Provides the Canvas item. quick-designer .......... Qt Quick: Provides support for the Qt Quick Designer in Qt Creator. quick-flipable .......... Qt Quick: Provides the Flipable item. quick-gridview .......... Qt Quick: Provides the GridView item. quick-listview .......... Qt Quick: Provides the ListView item. quick-particles ......... Qt Quick: Provides a particle system. quick-path .............. Qt Quick: Provides Path elements. quick-pathview .......... Qt Quick: Provides the PathView item. quick-positioners ....... Qt Quick: Provides Positioner items. quick-shadereffect ...... Qt Quick: Provides Shader effects. quick-sprite ............ Qt Quick: Provides the Sprite item. quickcontrols2-material . Quick Controls 2: Provides a style based on the Material Design guidelines. quickcontrols2-universal . Quick Controls 2: Provides a style based on the Universal Design guidelines. quicktemplates2-hover ... Quick Templates 2: Provides support for hover effects. quicktemplates2-multitouch . Quick Templates 2: Provides support for multi-touch. radiobutton ............. Widgets: Provides a radio button with a text label. regularexpression ....... Kernel: Provides an API to Perl-compatible regular expressions. resizehandler ........... Widgets: Provides an internal resize handler for dock widgets. rubberband .............. Widgets: Supports using rubberbands to indicate selections and boundaries. scrollarea .............. Widgets: Supports scrolling views onto widgets. scrollbar ............... Widgets: Provides scrollbars allowing the user access parts of a document that is larger than the widget used to display it. scroller ................ Widgets: Enables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item. sessionmanager .......... Kernel: Provides an interface to the windowing system's session management. settings ................ File I/O: Provides persistent application settings. sha3-fast ............... Utilities: Optimizes SHA3 for speed instead of size. sharedmemory ............ Kernel: Provides access to a shared memory segment. shortcut ................ Kernel: Provides keyboard accelerators and shortcuts. sizegrip ................ Widgets: Provides corner-grips for resizing top-level windows. slider .................. Widgets: Provides sliders controlling a bounded value. socks5 .................. Networking: Provides SOCKS5 support in QNetworkProxy. sortfilterproxymodel .... ItemViews: Supports sorting and filtering of data passed between another model and a view. spellchecker ............ WebEngine: Provides a spellchecker. spinbox ................. Widgets: Provides spin boxes handling integers and discrete sets of values. splashscreen ............ Widgets: Supports splash screens that can be shown during application startup. splitter ................ Widgets: Provides user controlled splitter widgets. stackedwidget ........... Widgets: Provides stacked widgets. standarditemmodel ....... ItemViews: Provides a generic model for storing custom data. statemachine ............ Utilities: Provides hierarchical finite state machines. statusbar ............... Widgets: Supports presentation of status information. statustip ............... Widgets: Supports status tip functionality and events. stringlistmodel ......... ItemViews: Provides a model that supplies strings to views. style-stylesheet ........ Styles: Provides a widget style which is configurable via CSS. syntaxhighlighter ....... Widgets: Supports custom syntax highlighting. systemsemaphore ......... Kernel: Provides a general counting system semaphore. systemtrayicon .......... Utilities: Provides an icon for an application in the system tray. tabbar .................. Widgets: Provides tab bars, e.g., for use in tabbed dialogs. tabletevent ............. Kernel: Supports tablet events. tableview ............... ItemViews: Provides a default model/view implementation of a table view. tablewidget ............. Widgets: Provides item-based table views. tabwidget ............... Widgets: Supports stacking tabbed widgets. temporaryfile ........... File I/O: Provides an I/O device that operates on temporary files. textbrowser ............. Widgets: Supports HTML document browsing. textcodec ............... Internationalization: Supports conversions between text encodings. textdate ................ Data structures: Supports month and day names in dates. textedit ................ Widgets: Supports rich text editing. texthtmlparser .......... Kernel: Provides a parser for HTML. textodfwriter ........... Kernel: Provides an ODF writer. timezone ................ Utilities: Provides support for time-zone handling. toolbar ................. Widgets: Provides movable panels containing a set of controls. toolbox ................. Widgets: Provides columns of tabbed widget items. toolbutton .............. Widgets: Provides quick-access buttons to commands and options. tooltip ................. Widgets: Supports presentation of tooltips. topleveldomain .......... Utilities: Provides support for extracting the top level domain from URLs. translation ............. Internationalization: Supports translations using QObject::tr(). treeview ................ ItemViews: Provides a default model/view implementation of a tree view. treewidget .............. Widgets: Provides views using tree models. udpsocket ............... Networking: Provides access to UDP sockets. undocommand ............. Utilities: Applies (redo or) undo of a single change in a document. undogroup ............... Utilities: Provides the ability to cluster QUndoCommands. undostack ............... Utilities: Provides the ability to (redo or) undo a list of changes in a document. undoview ................ Utilities: Provides a widget which shows the contents of an undo stack. validator ............... Widgets: Supports validation of input text. webrtc .................. WebEngine: Provides WebRTC support. whatsthis ............... Widget Support: Supports displaying "What's this" help. wheelevent .............. Kernel: Supports wheel events. widgettextcontrol ....... Widgets: Provides text control functionality to other widgets. wizard .................. Dialogs: Provides a framework for multi-page click-through dialogs. xml-schema .............. QtXmlPatterns: Provides XML schema validation. xmlstream ............... Kernel: Provides a simple streaming API for XML. xmlstreamreader ......... Kernel: Provides a well-formed XML parser with a simple streaming API. xmlstreamwriter ......... Kernel: Provides a XML writer with a simple streaming API. blz@blz-desktop:~/Downloads/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.3$ e build directory, you need to install the library, examples, tools, and tutorials in the appropriate place. To do this (as root if necessary), ty
I meant that part:
Qt Multimedia: ALSA ................................... no GStreamer 1.0 .......................... no GStreamer 0.10 ......................... no Video for Linux ........................ yes OpenAL ................................. no PulseAudio ............................. no Resource Policy (libresourceqt5) ....... no Windows Audio Services ................. no DirectShow ............................. no Windows Media Foundation ............... no
The only thing detected is Video for Linux. As I wrote before, you should at least install the GStreamer1.0 related dev-packages
Use the package manager of your Linux distribution to install the development packages.
@SGaist Isnt it possible to give a command so that qtmultimedia gets installed with qtcore and qtgui too? I really want to install from source and not from a repository.
EDIT: ok i have this whole folder with many qtpackages. There is also qtmultimedia. Do i just have to switch into this folder and hit
andmake install
?EDIT2: Ok i found the commands... just use
./configure -h
and you will see all commands to configure the setup -
Build Qt from the top source folder so all modules will be built, you can limit to the ones you want by either passing the
parameters for all the modules you don't want, or just delete the corresponding folders.However, for the dependencies of QtMultimedia, either you install them using the package manager or your build and install them all by hand before building Qt.
@SGaist Well ok i found with
./configure -help
all the commands i wanted. Sadly i get a error:ERROR: Feature 'alsa' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'config.unix && !config.qnx && libs.alsa' failed. ERROR: Feature 'gstreamer' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'features.gstreamer_1_0 || features.gstreamer_0_10' failed. ERROR: Feature 'pulseaudio' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.pulseaudio' failed. ERROR: Feature 'alsa' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'config.unix && libs.alsa' failed. ERROR: Feature 'pulseaudio' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.pulseaudio' failed. ERROR: Feature 'system-ffmpeg' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.ffmpeg && features.system-opus && features.system-webp' failed.
Seems like not everything i wanted got downloaded. What can i do to fix that?
@Xenoshell That's what @SGaist is trying to tell you: you need to install dev packages for all multimedia components you would like to use with QtMultimedia.
@Xenoshell You installed GStreamer but not its development packages (which for example contain the header files). You need to install the dev packages as well.
I installed alsa, dbus, gstreamer, ffmpeg but they still show up as errors. What can i do?ERROR: Feature 'dbus-linked' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'features.dbus && libs.dbus' failed. ERROR: Feature 'alsa' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'config.unix && !config.qnx && libs.alsa' failed. ERROR: Feature 'gstreamer_1_0' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.gstreamer_1_0' failed. ERROR: Feature 'alsa' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'config.unix && libs.alsa' failed. ERROR: Feature 'system-ffmpeg' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.ffmpeg && features.system-opus && features.system-webp' failed.
@Xenoshell What exactly did you install? You need *-dev packages.