slider and plus/minus signs
i have a qslider object, on the left side of which i place "-" sign, on the right side a "+" sign. on the application they appear in separate "rectangles". what's the problem here? should i reimplement slider's paintEvent?
How do you place them? QLabel?
While you can overlay widgets to some degree, if you scale window , it often goes broke.
So yes, painting theme will work better. -
but how do i actually paint that? i thought this would suffice but no:
void Slider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::SolidPattern, 1)); painter.drawText(-5, height() / 2, QString("-")); painter.drawText(width() + 5, height() / 2, QString("+")); QSlider::paintEvent(event); }
Try move
to the top so base paints first and then you.
else it might override.also drawText(-5, might not work as
you cant paint outside the area of the widget.
same with painter.drawText(width() + 5you cant have them inside the widget ?
that didn't help.
what do you mean? have a container that contains qlabel, qslider, qlabel?
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to user4592357 on 3 Oct 2017, 18:31 last edited by mrjj 10 Mar 2017, 18:33
No, i mean draw them inside the widget. You give it x values that
is outside the clipping area. You cannot use negative value nor bigger
than width() to draw anything. You cannot paint outside a widget.Maybe i misunderstood what you mean by
"appear in separate "rectangles"
Sounded like you did use a layout to make a composite widget but
wanted the +/- to overlap the slider area.So do you want the +/- to be over the slider area or is right next to both side fine enough?
i want "- slider +" to appear as one widget
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to user4592357 on 3 Oct 2017, 19:04 last edited by mrjj 10 Mar 2017, 19:13
Hehe i must ask in a stupid way :)
So its ok that + and minus are right next to the slider and not over it ?
If yes, you can just use a layout to make stick together.
It would appear as one widget but plus and minus would be next to the slider and not on top /overlapping it.To make:
Place widget on Form
place label with + and slider and label with - inside widget in right order.
not important if they are aligned.
Then right click a free area of the widget and select
Layout menu -> Layout horizontally -
@mrjj i think i'll just write the code :p will do tomorrow and see what i get, thanks!